0 Contribution to comcom plan WSF 2010 Communication processes in WSF Communication process objectivepolicySpace and participants Facilitation by Tools 1 – being in an activity 2 – organisations preparing activities in events 3 – expanding events 4 – being in an action 5 – after activities 6 – covering alternate 7 – covering mainstream 8 – social interactions 9 – ongoing initiatives 10- practical info An overview of comcom facilitation plan for each process
1 Contribution to comcom plan WSF 2010 Various communication process active in WSF process Scope of comcom : facilitate those processes through policies, spaces, and tools Work mode – stimulating online communities /open spaces Target event organizers, organisations, individuals Beyond the visible image of a social forum event….. A continous process Self organized activities co- organised activities – opening march closing Communication processes in WSF
2 Contribution to comcom plan WSF 2010 WSF process a dialogic process, based on self organized activities….. Communication processes in WSF WSF «openspace», through events, virtual openspace, regulated by WSF charter, where dialogic self organized activities are being held by participating organisations ( central blue area) Dialogic activities 10 years of WSF … and beyond WSF events GDA For the first time, accent is put on succession of big events in a same year
3 Contribution to comcom plan WSF 2010 WSF action calendar : Virtual action visiblity/mobilization space provided by WSF facilitators, where « public actions » impulsed by groups of organisations participating in the dialogic process, are made globally visible (orange area ) viral communication about WSF : awhile mobilizing for their action, the action promoters make reference to WSF dialogic dynamics ( « this action is called for by, xxxxx and has been discussed or prepared in WSF process, for more information …. Those activities are stimulating a set of public actions led by organisations participating in the dialogic process Communication processes in WSF Public actions by organisations participating in WSF dialogic open space 10 years of WSF … and beyond GDA 2008 Dialogic open space process
4 Contribution to comcom plan WSF 2010 WSF action calendar : Virtual action visiblity/mobilization space provided by WSF facilitators, where « public actions » impulsed by groups of organisations participating in the dialogic process, are made globally visible (orange area ) viral communication about WSF : awhile mobilizing for their action, the action promoters make reference to WSF dialogic dynamics ( « this action is called for by, xxxxx and has been discussed or prepared in WSF process, for more information WSF process a dialogic process, based on self organized activities stimulating and displaying a set of public actions led by organisations participating in the dialogic process Communication processes in WSF WSF «openspace», through events, virtual openspace, regulated by WSF charter, where dialogic self organized activities are being held by participating organisations ( central blue area) Public actions by organisations participating in WSF dialogic open space Dialogic activities 10 years of WSF … and beyond WSF events GDA
5 Contribution to comcom plan WSF personal situations reflecting communication processes Communication processes in WSF I am active in alternate media and intend to cover WSF …i have been invited to virtual presse centre. 1-I am in an activity in WSF, am i audience or participant? I Participate in public actions called by organisations present in WSF 2- I am in charge of preparing my organisation participation in an event, networking with other organizations and oureaching for participants in it 3 –I want to participate in this forum event, but i have not time or money to travel to the event 5 –I wish something concrete will get out of our activity, I am a journalist sent to cover WSF, i have been approached by WSF media group I share experience and ideas with my friends about WSF I circulate information promoting my organisation /initiative, mentionner it is are part of WSF process I wonder What is WSF, i wish i have more information about it ? SF event venue Activity public action outcome moment of connection Preparation Follow up Expanded activity
6 Contribution to comcom plan WSF situations reflecting 10 communication processes Communication processes in WSF 6 -Ongoing Media initiative (arrow) covers activities organisaiton participants and inform outside wsf (perpendicular arrow) 1-participants are face to face in the activities venues 4 – Participants are present in public actions 2- organisation prepare and outreach to other activities /organisations in event website and process websites browse memory 3 -Participation in Local expanded activities and on line moments of connection 5 -Activities conclude preparing next steps / outcomes 7-mainstream media covers and informs inside and outside (perpendicular arrow) 8-individual participants, ineract about wsf by blogging, social site, face to face 9 – ongoing initiatives & organisations (arrow) informs inside and outside WSF (perpendicular arrow ) 10 -Participants receive WSF bulletim, WSF portal site, browse memory
7 Contribution to comcom plan WSF communication processes to be facilitated by comcom, in cooperation with other commissions for some of them Communication processes in WSF 6-Shared coverage promotion of events activities, & actions by alternate media > organizations and individuals 1-face to fac participation practices in the activities 4- Participation practices in the public actions 2- Event/activities on line preparation – interaction between actviity organizers 3-expanded participation activities, inter- activity connections 5-on line report & follow up from activities & events 7-image building in mainstream media 8-informal interaction between wsf individual participants 9-communication by on going initiatives & organisations inside and outside WSF 10a- approximation to wsf process 10b-IC practical info to wsf participants SF event Information Participation Communication
8 Contribution to comcom plan WSF 2010 In a given area the forum event can be on a yearly basis Communication processes in WSF 2- I am in charge of preparing my organisation participation in an event, networking with other organizations and oureaching for participants in it SF event venue Activity public action outcome moment of connection Preparation Follow up Expanded activity Going to Next year List of organisations List of activities List of outomes
9 Contribution to comcom plan WSF 2010 Communication processes in WSF Communication process objectivepolicySpace and participants Facilitation by Tools 1 – being in an activity 2 – organisations preparing activities in events 3 – expanding events 4 – being in an action 5 – after activities 6 – covering alternate 7 – covering mainstream 8 – social interactions 9 – ongoing initiatives 10- practical info An overview of comcom facilitation plan for each process
10 Contribution to comcom plan WSF 2010 Communication processes in WSF Communication process objectivepolicySpace and participants Facilitation by Tools Facilitating process 10- practical info 2 – organisations preparing activities in events 1 – being in an activity 3 – expanding events 5 – after activities 4 – being in an action 8 – social interactions 9 – ongoing initiatives 6 – covering alternate 7 – covering mainstream An overview of comcom facilitation plan for each process ( logical ordering)