Steps to make a phone call: 1. Opening 2. Telling the aim of telephoning 3. Closing
How to open a phone call Hello. This is … Hello. May I speak to …, please? Hi. Is … there? Good morning/ afternoon / evening. Can I speak to … May I speak to …
How to extend a phone call -Hold on, please … -By the way … -Furthermore … -Moreover …
How to close a phone call Nice talking to you I will call you later Alright. See you again, Sir/Ma’am. Thank you very much I really have to go now. We will talk some other times Can we continue this later? My other line is ringing
Tips when you are telephoning: Speak clearly and directly Be efficient but don’t speak too fast Be polite, no matter whom you are speaking to Listen carefully and response accordingly
Some expressions for telephoning; Wait a minute /a moment Who’s speaking Line is busy Hang off Wrong number Call back Take the message Leave the message
Examples: Formal Secretary : Good morning, Parker Industries. May I help you? Mr. Bob : Hello. May I speak to Ms. Suzan, please? Secretary : I’m sorry. She isn’t in. Would you leave a message? Mr. Bob : Yes, please. This is Mr. Bob. Secretary : Mr. Bob. B – O – B?
Mr. Bob: Yes. Secretary: Alright. Mr. Bob: Could you please tell her that the meeting is on Friday at 2 pm. Secretary: Friday at 2 pm? Mr. Bob: And would you ask her to phone me this afternoon? My number is Secretary: Yes, Mr. Bob. I will give Ms. Suzan the massages. Mr. Bob: Thank you. Good bye. Secretary: Good bye.
Informal Lisa and Tiwi are on the phone. They talk about a plan to visit Adi who is sick. Lisa: Hello. Can I speak to Tiwi? Tiwi: Yes, Tiwi speaking here. Who’s this? Lisa: It’s me, Lisa. Tiwi: Hi, Lis. What’s up? Lisa: Well, I want to confirm our appointment to visit Adi. Can you make it this afternoon? Tiwi: Sure, I can. What about yourself? Lisa: I’ve no problem with the time. We will go at 3 o’clock, right?
Tiwi: Yes, it’s confirmed. Lisa: Then, I will pick you up at two forty five. Tiwi: Fine. Lisa: Ok. See you this aftrenoon. Bye. Tiwi: Bye - bye.
Exercises! 1.You will go to your grandmother’s house next Sunday. You phone her to tell your plan. She’s so glad hearing the news. What would you say to tell your plan? How would your grandmother respond do it? 2. You want to go to the movie next Saturday evening. You want to go there with a friend. You phone him/her to tell your friend. He/she agrees to go with you. What would you say? What would your friend respond do it?