EGEE-II INFSO-RI Enabling Grids for E-sciencE EGEE and gLite are registered trademarks Progress report from University of Cyprus Harald Gjermundrød & Asterios Katsifodimos SA3 All Hands meeting PIC 22 May 2007
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE EGEE-II INFSO-RI To change: View -> Header and Footer 2 Achievements Since November Replaced the old cluster with new machines –2 x Dual Xeon 2.8 GHz HT 40 GB harddisk 3GB RAM –1 x Pentium 4 1.5GHz 40GB harddisk 512MB RAM –1 x Pentium 4 1.7GHz 40GB harddisk 256MB RAM –1 x Dual Pentium III 800MHz 2x30+1x70GB SCSI harddisk 768MB RAM –1 x Pentium III 800MHz 40GB harddisk 384MB RAM Set up and configured 10 nodes –OS version: SL Linux –Java version: SUN jdk 1.4.2_13 –gLite CE, gLite WN(SL3.0.8), gLite WN(CentOS4.4) –gLite WMSLB, gLite BDII, gLite Mon –gLite UI (P4 1.5) –AMGA (P4 1.7) –gLite dpm_sql (Dual PIII 800) –gLite LFC (PIII 800) Maintain the operation and upgrades of the cluster
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE EGEE-II INFSO-RI To change: View -> Header and Footer 3 Tasks Verify firewall setting –Set up firewall on the cluster (except for the AMGA and LFC) –Reported all missing ports and ambiguities in the Firewall Document to John White, it will be included in the next update. Verify new yaim version –Changed/split the site-info.def to use the new yaim –Had to add some new attributes for it to work: SITE_SUPPORT_ JOB_MANAGER and CE_BATCH_SYS had to be changed {VO_NAME}_GROUP_ENABLE=“{vo_name}” Configure glite WN using SL 4.4 –Numerous attempts to use the SL 4.4 repository to install a WN –Always broken dependencies –Manual interventions with help from Louis have not yet been successful
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE EGEE-II INFSO-RI To change: View -> Header and Footer 4 Tasks cont. Configure glite WN using CentOS 4.4 –Added using CentOS 4.4 to the testbed –Used the following repository deployment/glite/apt/cert/3.1/glite-WN/sl4/i386/ –Manual intervention apt-get install lcg-profile edg-profile globus-config Install/Configuration info about the Certification Testbed at UCY is available from –
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE EGEE-II INFSO-RI To change: View -> Header and Footer 5 Issues Problems On WMSLB –After every restart of the wmslb or the gLite CE the following have to be executed: root]#service gLite stop ; service gLite stop ; service gLite start –After every clean install of the middleware: Modify /opt/glite/etc/init.d/* to set the value for GLITE_LOCATION to /opt/glite On WN –Set the correct java version in the following files: /opt/edg/etc/profile.d/edg-wl-ui-gui-env.csh /opt/edg/etc/profile.d/ On UI –Same as WN plus the following two files: /opt/edg/var/etc/profile.d/edg-wl-ui-gui-env.csh /opt/edg/var/etc/profile.d/
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE EGEE-II INFSO-RI To change: View -> Header and Footer 6 Issues Problems cont. gLite CE –In /var/spool/maui/maui.cfg add tomcat4 to ADMIN3 –If batch system co-located then after reconfiguring check if last line is: /opt/lcg/libexec/vomaxjobs-maui -h CE_HOSTNAME If this is not the case: Run configure_node with gliteCE TORQUE_server Then run configure_node with BDII_site Site-info.def file: –Make sure you don’t use the symbol in any of the passwords
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE EGEE-II INFSO-RI To change: View -> Header and Footer 7 Issues Problems cont. Backward compatibility of YAIM –If you have VO settings in your site-info.def and also have a directory vo.d/ with info about the supported VOs –No warnings are given that this info is specified in two places and the info from the vo.d/ directory are used –In order to be backward compatible both ways are supported, but it may led to confusion. A user (me) may edit the site-info.def and not understand why the changes are not configured, due to a left over(testing) vo.d directory.
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE EGEE-II INFSO-RI To change: View -> Header and Footer 8 Next Steps Maintain the operation of the cluster Add nodes to the cluster using SL or CentOS 4.4 as they become available. –Potentially replace some of the SL 3 nodes if they are not needed anymore Can verify/test firewall settings Can verify/test new yaim version