ConfigMgr 2012 Jeopardy Quiz MMS Minnesota 2014 Kim Oppalfens & Kent Agerlund Microsoft MVP: Enterprise Client Management #MMSJeopardy
And the players are …
Wally Mead Troy Martin Jason Sandys Steve Rachui Round 1 team 1 Round 2 team 1 Round 2 team 2 Round 1 team 2
Rules of the game 1.The Quizmasters are always right 2.In the unlikely event the Quizmasters are wrong > See rule 1 3.This is Jeopardy, so all answers need to be phrased as a question!
Your completely impartial show hosts for tonight
Kim Oppalfens Kent Agerlund What do you think of our contestants? They aren’t half bad. Nope, they’re ALL bad!
Quiz time
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Evaluations Please provide session feedback by clicking the Eval button in the scheduler app. One lucky winner will get a free ticket to the next MMS! Visit all of our sponsors in the expo area and online! Platinum Sponsors: Gold Sponsors : MMS Minnesota 2014