CHAMP S FOR P OWERPOINT C Conversation Yes, when responding to questions H Help Raise hand and WAIT to be called on. A Activity Discussion about Thanksgiving M Movement None P Participation Head up, contributing ideas.
T HANKSGIVING It’s never too late to give thanks…
W HAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THE HOLIDAY WE CELEBRATED LAST WEEK ? Thanksgiving is celebrated only in the United States. A. True B. False B. False – Thanksgiving is also celebrated in Canada
What is the dangling skin under a turkey's neck is called? A. Wattle B. Weedle C. Wuddle D. Widdle A. Wattle - A wattle is a fleshy dewlap hanging from various parts of the head or neck in several groups of birds (including Turkeys), goats and other animals.
When was the first Thanksgiving celebration? A B C D B. or C or The official “First Thanksgiving” is not clear. Settlers at the Berkeley Plantation in Virginia celebrated a day of Thanksgiving on December 4, Pilgrims first celebrated Thanksgiving at Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1621 with a 3 day festival which included local Native Americans to show appreciation for helping the colony survive through the harsh weather conditions.
How many pilgrims were on the Mayflower? A. 92 B. 102 C. 122 D. 222 B. 102 – The Mayflower left port with 102 passengers. During the voyage, one baby was born, making a total of 103 passengers.
The first Thanksgiving football game was started in 1934 by which team? A. Pittsburgh Steelers B. Kansas City Chiefs C. Detroit Lions D. New England Patriots C. Detroit Lions – The football-on-Thanksgiving tradition became firmly established in Detroit. With the exception of a six-season gap from 1939 to 1944, the Thanksgiving Day game has been played with no interruptions.
How fast can a turkey run? A. 7 mph B. 11 mph C. 18 mph D. 25 mph D. 25 mph. A wild turkey can run up to 25 mph but a domestic turkey can only waddle due to enhanced breast meat.
Most of us eat turkey on Thanksgiving, but how many eat turkey also as a Christmas meal? A. 25% B. 36% C. 50% D. 79% C. 50%
Approximately how many feathers does a full- grown turkey have? A B C D C. 3500
What would unhappy cranberries be called? Unhappy Cranberries would be “blueberries”
T HANKSGIVING IS … Thanksgiving is known as a time for being with family and friends, watching football, and planning for the beginning of the holiday shopping season on “Black Friday.” It is also as time for people to reflect and think about the things in life they are thankful for.
I N MY LIFE, I AM THANKFUL FOR … Home cooked meals by my or dad The laughter of a baby Coffee with Hazelnut creamer Smiles and Hugs Good Health A car that never breaks down Family time Freedom Cultural diversity – the world would be a boring place if we were all the same.
W HAT ARE YOU THANKFUL FOR ? On a lined piece of paper, write a list of things you are thankful for. This is a list so you do not need to write in complete sentences. Be prepared to share a few of the things you are thankful for with the class.
G UIDELINES FOR A CTIVITY S UCCESS This is a POSITIVE and school appropriate assignment. Any inappropriate references to drugs, alcohol, tagging, gangs, sex, violence, etc. will NOT be accepted. This assignment will be added to your portfolio in the “Class Work Samples” section; therefore, it is something you should be PROUD of.
CHAMP S FOR I ND. W ORK C Conversation None. H Help Raise hand and wait to be called on. If teacher is busy then quietly wait. A Activity Complete 10 Life Lessons M Movement None P Participation Head up, paying attention, completing assignment- not working on anything else.