 History IGCSE skills: Sequencing, synthesising inference, compare and contrasting, cross referencing, categorising statements into causes, events and.


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Presentation transcript:

 History IGCSE skills: Sequencing, synthesising inference, compare and contrasting, cross referencing, categorising statements into causes, events and effects to develop understanding.  Key Terms: hyperinflation, Nuremberg Laws, Kapp Putsch, Dawes Plan, Young Plan, Trocano Pact, capitalism, communism, revolution, propaganda, inferences no man’s land, Western Front, trench, war of attrition, kulaks, Duma, Reichstag, Tsar,  Make use of the Edexcel IGCSE book  Also use BBC bitesize for all the topics.

 The new name for Germany , TOV  Hyperinflation, Rentenmark, Wall Street Crash, French Occupation of the Ruhr  Can you tell the difference between left -wing and right-wing political parties? Protest groups such as Kapp Putsch, Spartacists, etc Role of Gustav Stresemann and the economic recovery Dawes, Young, Kellogg-Briand, Locarno, etc  Significance of the election Sep  The significance March  Who gave Hitler his first position in government? Do you know the difference between the SA and SS?  The significance of the Reichstag fire and all its ramifications.  Who was the Nazi propaganda chief and how did he shape the Nazi message.  The Nazi’s favourite form of mass media  The significance of the Olympic games of  Religious tolerance of the Nazis. Tolerance of women, Jews and youth  According to the Nazis, which group of people were responsible for Germany’s future?  The significance of August  The German car manufacturer that has been around since the Nazi period.  Name of any Nazi resistance groups apart from the Jews of course.

 Causes of WWI  Nature of trench warfare: features, lifestyles etc  Deadlock fault of incompetent Generals or environmental circumstances?  The importance of the tank as a weapon during the war  The importance of the War at Sea  Was the WWI won by the Allies or really a case of failure of the Central Powers?  Were the Treaties that followed fair?

 Name of the last Romanov monarch (might be below)  According to historians what is his legacy?  Social class groupings of Russia  The name of the influential German Jew that encouraged radical change.  The Social Democratic Party were split into 2 groups can you identify them ?  The religions of Russia.  The various nationalities of Russia.  Do you know the difference between the Bolsheviks, Mensheviks, Reds and the Whites?  Was there any discrimination in Russian society?  Significance of the war with Japan ?  “Bloody Sunday”. What? When? Why? Where? Who? How?  Role of the Provisional government. Duma?  Who were Stolypin? Rasputin? Kerensky? Lenin,? Trotsky?  What mistake did Tsar Nicholas II make with WWI? How did affect his popularity back at home?