Mofida. AlBarrak
To assess on admission & subsequently, a patient’s normal & abnormal physiological status relating to body temperature regulation, cardiovascular & respiratory functions vital for life
Mofida. AlBarrak To ensure that all students at health science college female in Riyadh are competent in performing observations, recording & reporting of patients temperature, pulse, respiration & blood pressure.
Mofida. AlBarrak The observation & assessment of temperature, pulse, respiration & blood pressure may need to be undertaken as follows 1.During initial routine admission to hospital ►Elective (ward) ► Emergency 2. Pre-operatively 3. Following ►Surgery ►Investigative procedures
Mofida. AlBarrak
►Normal & abnormal body temperature ranges ►Causes of abnormal temperatures & terminology ►Routes of taking temperature ►Types of thermometers (clinical, disposable, electronic ) ►Preparation of patient & appropriate equipment
Mofida. AlBarrak ► Precautions prior to taking temperature ► Appropriate thermometer for appropriate patient ► Explanation of the procedure ► Importance of universal precautions ►Performing nursing skill safely ►Time length in taking temperature ►Accurate reading, recording & reporting
Mofida. AlBarrak
The balance between the heat produced by the body & heat lost from the body to the environment The degree of heat of the body as measured by the thermometer
Mofida. AlBarrak ►Metabolism of food ►Exercise ►Shivering or the unconscious tensing of the muscles ►Certain disease processes
Mofida. AlBarrak ►Radiation When standing in front of on open freezer ►Conduction Transfer of heat when two objects come in contact. Immersion of arm in ice, use of hot water bottle
Mofida. AlBarrak ►Convection Air near the body warms up & is replaced by cooler air. Use of fan or breeze from an open window
Mofida. AlBarrak ►Vaporization \ Evaporation ►When sweating decreases the body heat
Mofida. AlBarrak 36.0 …………… 37.4 degrees centigrade
Mofida. AlBarrak ►The Mouth ►The Rectum ►The Axils ►The Tympanic membrane
Mofida. AlBarrak ►Mercury-in-glass ►Electronic ►Disposable ►Infra-red
Mofida. AlBarrak Type used must take into consideration ►Accuracy ►Safety ►Suitability for the type of patient ►Ease of use ►Cost of each devise & accessories
Mofida. AlBarrak ►Pyrexia ►Hyperpyrexia ►Heatstroke ►Hypothermia
Mofida. AlBarrak ►Centigrade C ►Fahrenheit F
Mofida. AlBarrak F = C x 9\5 +32 E.g.. 40C F= 40 x 9\ = 104 F C = F – 32 x 5\9 E.g. 104C C = 104 – 32 x 5\9 = 40C
Mofida. AlBarrak ►Age ►Environment ►Time of the day ►Exercise ►Stress ►Hormones ►Disease conditions
Mofida. AlBarrak
►Pyrexia (fever) – temp above 99 F Low pyrexia – 99 – 100 F Moderate pyrexia 100 – 103 F High pyrexia 103 – 105 F Hyper pyrexia above – 105 F
Mofida. AlBarrak ►Subnormal temp – 95 – 98 F ►Hypothermia below – 95 F ►Rigor
Mofida. AlBarrak ►Constant fever ►Remittent fever ►Intermittent fever ►Hectic fever
Mofida. AlBarrak How do you decide which site to use? What are the advantages \ disadvantages of each site ? When do you usually use each site? Question review
Mofida. AlBarrak A patient is admitted to your ward following a surgical or investigation procedure. Hourly observation of T.P.R & B.P. have been prescribed. Questions
Mofida. AlBarrak Four days later your patient develops pyrexia. What could be the possible reasons? Briefly explain the importance of patient observation ( assessment of vital) on patients a. Newly admitted to a ward b. Prior to surgery c. Following surgery or investigative procedures
Mofida. AlBarrak 1 1.Wash hand 1 2.Collect the equipment 1 3.Explain procedure 1 4.Determine correct site 1 5.Check reading on thermometer 1 6.Shake down to 35C 1 7.Place thermometer at base of tongue to right or left 1 8.Ask a patient to close lips not teeth 9.Leave thermometer in place oral temperature 3 min
Mofida. AlBarrak 110.Wipe it with dry tissue 111.Read the thermometer accurately 112.Read thermometer accurately 113.Wash, dry, disinfect thermometer 114.Wash hand 115.Gige comment & record Continue