SUCCESS INDICATORS There are five success indicators outlined in the CCCCO Equity Plan with which to assess disproportionate impact: 1. Access; 2. Course completion; 3. ESL and Basic Skills Completion; 4. Degree and Certificate Completion; and 5. Transfer.
Disaggregated Subgroups To assess equity, analyses should use one or more of the following five disaggregated subgroups: 1. Gender ; 2. Ethnicity; 3. Age; 4. Disability status; and 5. Economically disadvantaged. In addition to these groups we have included Veteran and Foster Youth status.
Data Procedures
Proportionality Index The proportionality methodology compares the percentage of a disaggregated subgroup in an initial cohort to its own percentage in the resultant outcome group. Challenge: It does not specify at which point a proportionality index should be considered as a “disproportionate impact.” 80-Percent Rule The “80% Rule” methodology compares the percentage of each disaggregated subgroup attaining an outcome to the percentage attained by a reference subgroup. Challenge: It is not always clear that the highest performing group should be chosen as the reference group.
References Bensimon, E. M., & Malcom-Piqueux, L. (2014, March). Assessing ‘Hispanic Servingness’ at HSIs. Presented at the AAHHE Annual Conference, Costa Mesa, CA. Retrieved from California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office (2013, October). Guidelines for Measuring Disproportionate Impact in Equity Plans (Revised July 2014). Retrieved from California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office. (2015, August). Student Equity Plan Template (Revised August 2015). Retrieved from
Disproportionate Impact Methodology The methodology that was used for this plan was the Proportionality Index, which is the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office’s (CCCCO) preferred methodology (California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office, 2015). Professor Bensimon and her colleagues have determined that a disproportionate impact occurs when the proportionality index falls below the cutoff of.85 (California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office, 2015). The District considered institutional history, context, and local conditions in determining which disaggregated subgroups should be considered as disproportionately impacted. The District used its discretion to include all disproportionately impacted groups for each success indicator unless the group total number was below 20.
14 Females (52%) 13 Males (48%) 4 Females (44%) 5 Males (56%) Proportionality Index PI = (44/52) = 0.85 PI = (56/48) = 1.17 COHORT 80-PERCENT RULE Female 4/14 = 28.57% *Male 5/13 = 38.46% 80 Percent Index 28.57/38.46 = 74.28%
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