Peer & Family Peer Support in Hospitals and Community Transitions Sept 2013 – June 2015 Recovery Connections
Began from an AMHNC initiative Consumers of the mental health system were asked what systemic changes they’d like to see One result was to pursue the possibility of peer support in hospitals – Montfort and QCH Granted initial funding of $230,000 for 2013/14 that flows through the Pembroke Regional Hospital Additional $280,000 was granted for 2014/15 –Total of 8 FTE’s for support and management History of Recovery Connections
6 peer supporters and 2 family peer supporters 3 acute care hospitals, Montfort, Civic & QCH Peer supporters work directly on the wards and in the community Family peer supporters receive referrals from social work and meet in the community RC has a relationship with the in-patient, out-patient and emergency departments Scope of Recovery Connections
Peer support workers are trained and supervised by peer managers Issues are resolved at the managerial level Non-clinical approach – they don’t chart Maintain independence from hospital staff and objectives Focus is on support, not goals or outcomes Matches with hospital perspective – job is distinct Structure of Recovery Connections
RC supports extended family members and peers with a similar focus on Recovery Increased community programming –Hearing Voices, Alternative Realities, Drumming Young adults group started due to demand French resources developed to increase programming for francophone community –Family WRAP, Pathways to Recovery, Peer Support Diversity of Recovery Connections
Very warm welcome from the hospitals – perceive RC as integral to the services they provide Peer supporters are very accessible to patients and individuals returning to the community Current rate of contacts per FTE exceeds anticipated rate for the entire program extension (3x overall) Participants in Community Transitions programing report a shift in their use of the emergency depts Accomplishments