Human rights are those basic rights to which all are entitled and which are safeguarded in international human rights conventions. The EU has committed itself to promoting respect for human rights all over the world.
Finland finds it important to promote human rights everywhere in the world. Finnish human rights policy is influenced by the European Union. In 2006 during Finland´s precidency of the EU, Finland developed a fundamental rights sector in the EU and also tried to advance the human rights policy. Finland tries to focus especially on the promotion of the rights of children, women, minorities, indigenous peoples and persons with disabilities, because they are more easily discriminated against.
Italy is a democracy and a state where human and civil rights are respected. In Italy you cannot be sentenced to death. Every citizen in Italy has the right to medical care. Even children with foreign citizenship who are staying illegally in Italy have the right to go to school. It is against the anti-terrorism law to wear clothes that hide a person´s identity. Women have the same legal rights as men, but concerning equal payment there are big differences.
”Human dignity shall be inviolable. To respect and protect it shall be the duty of all state authority.”- German constitution Amnesty has had to report on police brutality and racist attacks against refugees. The UN is concerned about lengthy criminal justice cases.
The Czech Republic has a generally good respect for human rights. One of the biggest problems is the discrimination and segregation of the Roma minority, but the government has set up plans to improve the situation. Capital punishment was abolished in the Czech Republic and is forbidden by law. According to the Constitution there is no gender discrimination, but in practice there are still differences.
There is no evidence of serious violations against children’s rights. BUT corporal punishment of children is allowed.