Guidelines for Term Paper Diff Sociology
Title Page (easiest part) Title of your paper Your name Diff Sociology Date (May 3 rd, 2013)
First page Attention grabbing introduction (quotes can be used but are not mandatory) Ex: "When one provokes in a child a fear of the dark, one awakens in him a feeling of atavistic dread. Thus this child will be ruled all his life by this dread, whereas another child, who has been intelligently brought up, will be free of it.”1
The first page should also include X-thesis statement –Hitler’s manipulation of children was at the heart of his totalitarian rule. Y-counter argument-Although economic and cultural perspectives influenced Hitler’s rise to power. A-The destruction of the individual B-The takeover of the religion C-Influenced direction of education
Detailed Extension of each supporting point (A,B,C) AKA the body. Each point has at least one cited source, if not more. Each point must be a minimum of 2 paragraphs in length. Each source is cited as an Endnote There is recognition of the counter argument without it becoming extremely persuasive.
Conclusion Bring your whole argument (thesis) back together without simply regurgitating the information. Must not be abrupt or obtuse.
Endnotes Must be sequential and consistent in formatting. Sources must be valid (no Wikipedia, yahoo answers, blog sites, etc.) Minimum of 5 sources
Finally Bibliography Must follow Chicago Citation consistency
Outline Due on February 22 nd Worth 25 summative points