Page 2 Information design builds upon the work we have done earlier in the process. We need to know who we are designing for and why ( what problem are we trying to solve, what action are we trying to faclitate, message to be communicated, and/or process we are trying to enable.)
Page 3 Usable information should be: Effective Efficient Engaging Error Tolerant Easy to Learn
Page 4 Effective – Can the users complete the tasks effectively by following your design?
Page 5
Page 6 Efficient – Can the client understand/use/complete task in a reasonable amount of time and effort?
Page 7
Page 8 Engaging – Does your design allow for satisfying use and /or pleasing to look at or use?
Page 9
Page 10 Error Tolerant – Does the design help users to recover from or avoid mistakes?
Page 11
Page 12 Easy to Learn – Does the design springboard from information already available to allow for ease of use?
Page 13
Page 14 Keep this list in your mind when design any task oriented visual information. How do you get that info? Research!
Page 15
Page 16 Find out all you can from your clients!
Page 17 Interview your clients and their colleagues Educate your clients Learn the audience Convince your audience you care
Page 18 Interview the people who give you the project. What are they expecting or wanting?
Page 19 Talk to people who have contact with the client’s audience. Sales Reps, Clerks, Customer Service, etc…
Page 20 Do research using interviews, focus groups and surveys to find out audience demographics, preferences and what is useful to them.
Page 21 Involve the client during the creation process. Ask for feedback and be willing to redesign if necessary.
Page 22 Interviewing Guidelines: What to ask and how Observing the Audience: What else to find out
Page 23 Interviewing…Audiences don’t often know what they want until they see it. They expect you to know what they want Ask psychographic, less-direct questions and observe the audience (The most valuable questions are oriented to emotional experience)
Page 24 Also ask questions that will delve into audience members’ motivations, goals, and reward systems Observing…How do they read, How much time do they spend, what do they look at first, what can you learn, what influences them
Page 25 Read Chapter 2 and Case Studies. Complete your symbols homework due Wednesday.