International Communication Introduction and History
Developments toward a global communication system Monsters and myths Alexander the Great broke geographical boundaries Trade caravans Pilgrimages - Mecca, crusades Mapmaking Signals -torch, reflection, courier, messenger, compass, flag, telegraph, post
Military and diplomatic communication Code standardization Global time system Passport Transatlantic cable line Telephone Reuters news service Broadcast Internet
Decrease in foreign news Cultural dimension 1.How much content is absorbed? 2.How is content being transmitted Latin America Little inundation; telenovelas exported; newspaper subscriptions growing China Internet an advertising open borders
NWICO 1.Evolutionary process seeking more just and equitable flow and content 2.Right to national policy self-determination 3.2-way information flow with more accuracy for less-developed countries (LCDs)
West carrying less international news 1.High cost of reporting 2.Restrictions, threats, bias 3.High turnover in correspondents 4.Parachute journalism an sensationalism 5.Lack of public concern
Transnational Corporations and Global Ideology 1.Economic and market freedom 2.Government intervention & regulation impede economic growth 3.Policy objective should be ‘sustainable growth’ (non-inflationary) 4.Desirability of privatization Global media system is the outgrowth of ‘free market’ communication policies
Media Globalization Growing TV viewing Foreign ownership of US entertainment MTV, CNN localization Publishing, film & music are booming Rapid corporate consolidation Media deregulation Presence of advertising