English I Honors—October 28, 2015 Daily Warm-up: What is your opinion of the movie so far? Do you like it or not? Explain. Homework: – Study for Units 4 and 5 Vocabulary Test (Lessons 13-18) – Reading Plus due Sunday at 11:59.
Check Your Understanding Write about a cinematic technique that you think Burton used best to create a dramatic effect in these opening scenes. Give examples, describe the effect, and cite evidence to support your opinion.
Scenes :26:39-0:51:44—Home Groups a. Why does the neighborhood welcome Edward into their lives so quickly? b. How does the neighborhood seem to change after Edward’s arrival? c. Kim’s reaction to Edward is humorous, but in what way is hers the most natural or realistic response? d. What hints in this segment indicate that all will not work out well? e. What did you notice in the plot sequence that was a purposeful editing decision made by Burton?
Expert Groups—33:13-35:24
Writing Analytical Statement with Textual Support and Reflective Commentary Commentary—the explanation of the importance or relevance of supporting detail and the way the details support the larger analysis You can make a comment, explain the connection, illustrate the point you made, or perhaps prompt a realization in the mind of the reader.
Writing Analytical Statement with Textual Support and Reflective Commentary Tim Burton uses _________________ (cinematic element) to _________________________ (achieve what purpose). For example, _____________________________ __________________________________________ __________________ (evidence from text to support topic sentence). _________________________________ (reflective commentary).
Writing Analytical Statement with Textual Support and Reflective Commentary Tim Burton uses _____________________ to ______________________________. For example, _____________________________ _______________________________________ ___________________________________. a long shot show the vulnerability of characters when Peg is upstairs in the attic, the long shot makes her look small so that the viewer worries about her safety Unlike the long shots that imply the Edward is a frightening character, this one creates concern for Peg’s circumstances.
Rotate around the group reading your statements. For each statement, give feedback to your peers by answering the following questions: 1.What specific cinematic technique does the statement identify? 2.What effect does the statement identify? Does the effect fit the technique? 3.What example did they use to illustrate the cinematic technique? 4.Does commentary logically flow from the example and add to the analysis?
Check Your Understanding Write an explanation of how Burton used a specific cinematic technique effectively. Cite examples and evidence to support your opinion.