Business Opportunity Health and Freedom (This Power Point Presentation has been translated by two associates and is not the work of Winner4Life.)
The mission Offer a solution to attaining full health to customers and associates so as to improve their physical health as well as psychological and financial with the help of exclusive products andThe mission Offer a solution to attaining full health to customers and associates so as to improve their physical health as well as psychological and financial with the help of exclusive products and activities. activities Business opportunity Winner4Life offers a revolutionary relational marketing What is Winner4Life? Winner4Life is an enterprise founded by Patrick Aubé and Dany Vachon who specialize in the commercialization of products and activities linked to health and well-being. The Company 1 The Mission Offer a solution to attaining full health to customers and associates so as to improve their physical health as well as psychological and financial with the help of exclusive products and activities. Business Opportunity Winner4Life offers a revolutionary relational marketing model to any person who wishes to start his independant company in the growing market to achieve both his personal and financial objectives.
Founders with Experience Dany is well known for his remarkable success in the network marketing industry and is recognized amongst world leaders in the commercialized technique. His success was mentioned numerous times in popular magazines such as Success, Fortune, Success From Home and “Occasion d’affaires”. He is a successful businessman in different sectors and a recognized speaker on leadership and entrepreneurial. He was chosen in 2012, as an Investor Dragon in the popular show “Dans l’oeil du dragon” which is the French version of Dragons Den shown on Radio-Canada. Patrick Aubé Founder Dany Vachon Founder Patrick is an expert in technology and internet marketing. He is also an outstanding speaker. According to ERNST & YOUNG, in 2010 he was recognized amongst the best businessman known in the world economy. Patrick founded the Internet Marketing Center and is the Co-Author of the book “Everything you need to know to generate revenues with the Internet”, which sold in 43 countries.
What you will discover today
Health and Freedom World Market of over 1,000 Billion $ Sector: High Profit Margin Large Consumption on the Web
Weight Loss More than 30 Products Great Tasting Foods High Protein Content Amino 3 Technology Superior Quality 7 and 21 Days Weight Loss Program Method and Proven Guide Online Coaching
Vitality and Supplements Collagen for your Articulations Multivitamines Nutritional Protein Fat Burning Products and more...
Activities Series of sports activities with obstacle courses and extreme adventures. Family and General Public Personal Challenge with Friends Specialty Apparel Shop Team Building An effective tool for employees. Increase motivation, productivity and teamwork.
Key in Hand System No management, no invoices, no inventory and no deliveries. All these are done by Winner4Life. Revolutionary Compensation Plan Many ways to generate revenues. Bonuses for performances and advancements. (8 ways to get paid) Superior Technology Cutting Edge Technology: Managing your clients, revenue reports in real time via phone text messages and much more. Marketing Tools Personalized website with your name and promotional tools. Acquire Clients and CMA Use advertized credits to acquire potential clients and take advantage of our specialized team in sales and internet marketing.
Tools and Technology to Promote your Business on Social Media Capture pages on social medias via Facebook with Winner2Click,Winner2Pay and CMA ShareVisit
Revolutionary Compensation Plan
Bonus and Allocation
Physical and Virtual Products Lead a way to strong growth and high profit margin. Training – Technologies Duplicate a simple and easy system that has proven itself. Unique web platform, on line university, free high level conferences and seminars. Team of Experts and Winner2Click Department and specialized clientele acquisition technology for the associates. Automated Marketing Center (AMC) and Winner2Pay High Personalized Performance System in order to optimize your sales and support of the clientele. No problem of qualifications Large range of products and activities. Simple qualifications, without any over consumption of products. Revolutionary Payment Plan World monoline, immediate revenues, copy of the pay and much more. Founders with Experience In business, network marketing, training, affiliate, web... Successful W4L associated is not guaranteed. Results may vary depending on the effort and quality of the resources invested by each individual. In the presentation, potential income generated amounts are provided as examples only. To enjoy the full benefits of the compensation plan, you must have a personal minimum volume within your business. For more details, please see our compensation plan.
The vision of our company! (This Power Point Presentation has been translated by two associates and is not the work of Winner4Life.)