Why labor unions were needed: Low pay Long hours Unsafe working conditions
Labor Union Organized groups of workers that demand better pay and working conditions from their employers
American Federation of Labor 1886 (labor union) represented skilled workers in numerous industries Samuel Gompers
The Power of Labor Unions Strike – a stopping of work by workers to force their employer to meet certain Demands A strike (stopping of work) could cause a business to lose a lot of money
Businesses fight Back Strikebreakers –someone hired by the business to replace striking workers. Used as a technique to break up a strike. Sometimes strikers lost their jobs and were replaced by strikebreakers Eliot was president of Harvard University from
The Homestead Strike of 1892 Where: Carnegie’s steel plant in Homestead, PA
Why: To protest wage cuts enacted by plant managers Henry Clay Frick - manager of the Homestead plant
What: Managers hired strikebreakers and 300 armed guards to protect the steel plant
Results: 10 people were killed during a fight between guards and striking workers. The strike failed when the plant began operating again using non-union workers