Helen Burstin, MD, MPH Director, Center for Primary Care Research Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality April 16, 2001 The Effect of Working Conditions on Quality of Care
Fiscal Year 2001 Patient Safety requests for applications (RFAs): Competitive Demonstration Program Centers of Excellence for Patient Safety Research and Practice (closed) Developing Centers for Patient Safety Research and Practice (closed) Health System Error Reporting, Analysis, and Safety Improvement Demonstrations (open) Clinical Informatics to Promote Patient Safety (open) The Effect of Healthcare Working Conditions on Quality of Care (open) Patient Safety Research and Dissemination (TBA)
Crossing the Quality Chasm Clarifying National Aims for Improvement Safety -- As safe in health care as in our homes Safety -- As safe in health care as in our homes Effectiveness -- Matching care to science; avoiding overuse and underuse Effectiveness -- Matching care to science; avoiding overuse and underuse Patient Centeredness -- Honoring the individual, and respecting choice Patient Centeredness -- Honoring the individual, and respecting choice Timeliness -- Less waiting for both patients and those who give care Timeliness -- Less waiting for both patients and those who give care Efficiency -- Reducing waste Efficiency -- Reducing waste Equity -- Closing racial and ethnic gaps in health status Equity -- Closing racial and ethnic gaps in health status
Health care Working Conditions and Quality of Care: Key Conferences: Research Agenda Setting Conference, October 1999 Research Agenda Setting Conference, October 1999 – Cosponsored by Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) – Identified substantive and methodological gaps in current knowledge on how to link working conditions, quality of care, patient safety. – Participants from a wide range of academia, the health care industry and labor. – Summary of research themes: Best Practices Conference, October 2000 Best Practices Conference, October 2000
Healthcare Working Conditions and Quality of Care Overall AHRQ Portfolio: Working Conditions and Quality request for applications (RFAs) Working Conditions and Quality request for applications (RFAs) – Practice-based research networks (PBRNs) Institute of Medicine (IOM) Report: working conditions and safety Institute of Medicine (IOM) Report: working conditions and safety Evidence-based Practice Centers (EPC)s: evidence base for working conditions and patient safety Evidence-based Practice Centers (EPC)s: evidence base for working conditions and patient safety Integrated delivery system research networks (IDSRNs) Integrated delivery system research networks (IDSRNs)
Goals: Explore the relationship between working conditions that affect health care workers and the safety and quality of care they provide; Test innovative approaches to working conditions that have been effective in improving the quality of a product or service in industries other than health care. RFA: Healthcare Working Conditions and Quality of Care
Develop systematic knowledge of the impact of working conditions on safety and quality: – – Physical environment – – Workflow design – – Workforce staffing – – Working hours – – Organizational culture Must demonstrate impact of working conditions on healthcare workers and on clinical performance RFA: Healthcare Working Conditions and Quality of Care
Key definitions: Working conditions: characteristics of the health care workplace and workforce, including physical environment, workflow design, workforce staffing and organizational culture. Health care workers: workers employed in the direct care of patients in the health care setting, including but not limited to: nurses, physicians, pharmacists, nursing assistants, and other health care providers. RFA: Healthcare Working Conditions and Quality of Care
Key definitions: Patient Safety: the risk to a patient from medical errors (the failure of a planned action to be completed as intended or the wrong use of a plan to achieve an aim) Quality improvement: projects designed to improve care by ensuring that the right care is delivered to the right patient at the right time in the right way (could target misuse, underuse, and overuse) RFA: Healthcare Working Conditions and Quality of Care
Key technical items: R01 - due May 21st One-time solicitation Letter of intent not required, though preferred Institutional review boards (IRB) approval is required in mid-July. Exact date to be announced in the NIH Guide. 1-2 year projects preferred (will consider up to 3 year projects) Total costs per year not to exceed $500,000. Requires prior approval of Dr. Burstin RFA: Healthcare Working Conditions and Quality of Care
Key financial items: $7.5 million total costs (direct + overhead) Total costs per year not to exceed $500,000. Requires prior approval of Dr. Burstin Set-asides: – – $3 million: for healthcare organizations – – $2 million: for patient safety projects – – $500,000: for primary care Practice-Based Research Networks (PBRNs) RFA: Healthcare Working Conditions and Quality of Care
Key content questions: Endpoints must be related to patient safety or quality of care Intermediate education outcomes are not acceptable unless quality outcomes are included All health care sites are eligible, including inpatient, ambulatory, home care, and long- term care. All health care disciplines are eligible (e.g., dental, pharmacy) RFA: Healthcare Working Conditions and Quality of Care
Key partner questions: Grants can only be made to non-profit entities For-profit entities are only acceptable as sub-contractors or members of consortia Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) sites and sub-contractors are acceptable (cannot use grant funds to cover the salary of a VA employee) RFA: Healthcare Working Conditions and Quality of Care
Center for Primary Care Research: Key Contacts Kelly Morgan, Program Analyst – – technical/financial questions – – Helen Burstin, Director – – scope/content questions – –