L4. Health IssuesAS Geography
L4. Health IssuesAS Geography Lesson Focus: Coronary Heart Disease: Is it really a disease of affluence? Lesson Focus: Coronary Heart Disease: Is it really a disease of affluence?
L4. Health IssuesAS Geography Missing Word Task bypasshypertension clotinsertion electrocardiogram (ECG)atherosclerosis lifestylex-rays psychologicalsymptoms statinssmoking anginaaspirin supervisioncardiac
L1. Health IssuesAS Geography The biggest killer
L1. Health IssuesAS Geography UK Overview More than 2.2 million adults in England, Scotland and Wales are living with coronary heart disease In 2007, cardiovascular disease (CVD) caused 34% of deaths in the UK Coronary heart disease, the main from of CVD, causes over 90,000 deaths a year in the UK
L4. Health IssuesAS Geography What does the graph show? What doesn’t it show?
L1. Health IssuesAS Geography 1. Gender 2006 Health Survey prevalence in England was 6.5% in men and 4.0% in women 2. Age More than 1 in 3 men & around 1 in 4 women aged 75 and over living with CHD. 3. Ethnicity Indian / Pakistani x2, Black Caribbean and Chinese men was much lower than the general population 4. Socio-Economic Significant differences between deprivation categories...
Office for National Statistics (2000) AS GeographyL1. Health Issues Prevalence of treated CHD by sex and deprivation category, England & Wales
Describe the geographical differences between regions in England (4 marks) L4. Health IssuesAS Geography 5. Regional Variations?
Describe the geographical differences between regions in England (4 marks)
L1. Health IssuesAS Geography Mark Scheme There is some geographic variation in prevalence rates of CHD reported by the Health Survey for England 2003 (1) Some evidence of north-south divide (1). The prevalence of CHD in men is nearly twice as high in Yorkshire and the Humber (12%) than in the South West (7%) and East (7%) of England (Max 1 for example) For women, CHD varies more dramatically (1); only 4% of women in the South West and East of England report a doctor diagnosis of CHD compared with 10% of women in the North East (Max 1 for example) Mark Scheme There is some geographic variation in prevalence rates of CHD reported by the Health Survey for England 2003 (1) Some evidence of north-south divide (1). The prevalence of CHD in men is nearly twice as high in Yorkshire and the Humber (12%) than in the South West (7%) and East (7%) of England (Max 1 for example) For women, CHD varies more dramatically (1); only 4% of women in the South West and East of England report a doctor diagnosis of CHD compared with 10% of women in the North East (Max 1 for example)
L4. Health IssuesAS Geography What is the global picture? Developing countries Number of deaths Developed countriesNumber of deaths CVD (Heart disease, strokes) 3.9mCVD7.5m Respiratory infections 3.4mRespiratory infections and chronic lung disease 3m HIV/AIDs2.7mLung cancer1m Diarrhoea1.7mCar accidents0.7m Malaria1.1mStomach cancer0.6m TB1.0mTB0.6m Measles0.7mSuicide0.5m
L4. Health IssuesAS Geography Group Discussion: To what extent is CHD a disease of ‘affluence’? Paradox... Linked with poverty in developed countries, and the emergence of a westernised lifestyle in developing countries > LEDCs now burdened by chronic & infectious disease Socio-economic status and CHD linked. A range of other factors are important: age, gender, ethnicity (both genetic and lifestyle), urban / rural etc Linked with development: (1) Increased migration to urban areas, increased amounts of processed foods that are high in fats, salts and sugars. (2) Physical inactivity as physical farm work is replaced by office and factory-based work. (3) Increased tobacco use