Insomnia Presented by
Sleep Strengthens
Insomnia Weakens
Insomnia – Not Enough Sleep Slows weight loss and muscle growth Increases your risk of diabetes Leads to obesity Elevates risk for heart failure Compromises the immune system
Recommended # of Hours of Sleep 7 – 8 hours of sleep are required for most people. Athletes and people recovering from illness require more sleep
Understand the Power of Sleep Discover the role of sleep and healthy living [insert the URL to your sales page] CHAPTER 2
Cortisol Hormone Cortisol is a hormone produced during levels of physical or emotional stress. Increases the sensation of being hungry Lack of adequate sleep puts a stress on the body and increases the production of cortisol
Poor Quality Sleep Fat loss is inhibited Increase in cortisol which increases hunger hormones; reduces metabolism
Hunger Hormones Ghrelin tells your brain it is time to eat Leptin tells you when you are full These hormones increase with insufficient sleep
Carbohydrates Inadequate sleep stalls the metabolism of carbs. Increases blood sugar levels Increases fat storage
Metabolism Slows Fewer hours of sleep Calories go unused Unused calories turn into fat
Causes of Insomnia Sleep is your body’s healing mechanism Other health problems often present with insomnia and sleep loss Illnesses and ailments may lead to insomnia [insert the URL to your sales page] CHAPTER 3
The Healing Power of Fever Fever works with your body’s healing mechanisms to help you recover from ailments A fever often increases during sleep because sleep supports the immune system The more you sleep the faster you heal
Myth! Alcohol Helps You Sleep Alcohol is a sedative Helps you fall to sleep Sleep is restless You don’t achieve a deep sleep May have to visit the restroom In the middle of the night, too! Wake up unrested (probably hungry too!)
More Insomnia Myths Busted Find out commonly held beliefs that are really myths about insomnia [insert the URL to your sales page] CHAPTER 4
Foods That Feed Insomnia Learn how what and when you eat leads to insomnia [insert the URL to your sales page] CHAPTERs 8 & 9
More Simple Tips and Strategies How sleep impacts cardio, mental, emotional and physical health If your DNA puts you more at risk for insomnia -Herbal remedies for better sleep -Alternative solutions for insomnia -Bad habits you must change to build better sleeping habits… [insert the URL to your sales page] !
Don’t Let Another Day Pass Without Sleep Get the full details about … [Name of your book or use the original Sleep - The Missing Link To Healthy Living] Get it here: [Url to sales page]
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