Chapter 22 Sections 1 and 2 Preview Expanding Horizons
Imperialism U.S. was not the only nation in the world expanding. The 1900’s was called an age of Imperialism. Imperialism was a time when powerful European nations created large empires by exercising economic and politician control over weaker regions.
Isolationism When George Washington left the office of the president, he warned the nation about becoming permanent allies with other countries. People thought he was referring to isolationism. That is the practice of nonviolence in world affairs.
Expansionism After the Civil War was over the U.S. started expanding again and moving west. In 1890, the nation spanned from coast to coast and declared “end of the frontier.” So Americans began to look overseas to expand the borders. They looked at this as an opportunity to expand trade and compete for political influence.
Seward buys Alaska In 1867, Secretary of State William Seward (appointed by Abraham Lincoln… you should know this name) signed a treaty with Russia to buy the colony for $7.2 million. Quite a bargain for a piece of land twice the size of Texas. Many people thought Alaska was barren and called it “Seward’s Icebox,” but when gold was discovered in 1890… then it was though of as a wise purchase.
Seward continues Expansion 1867: Seward acquired two small pacific islands of Midway. 3,000 miles west of California, Seward thought they would be a good stopping place for ships coming and going from China. The United States traded with and influenced the Hawaiian Islands from the 1860’s through 1900 when it became a territory.