Who Wants To Be Symbiotic
Name The Relationship Lichens are a sandwich of fungi and algae. The fungus species attaches to the log, rock, or brick wall and absorbs nutrients from the environment. The algae in its turn uses the nutrients absorbed by the fungus and the carbon dioxide produced to photosynthesize.
Name The Relationship Most oak species are susceptible to root and trunk rot by the various species of fungi. Red rot Fungi attach to the roots and cause decay and will cause trees to fall.
Name The Relationship pseudoscorpions disperse by concealing themselves under the wing covers of large beetles. The pseudoscorpions gain the advantage of being dispersed over wide areas while being protected from predators. The beetle is unaffected by the presence of the hitchhikers.
Name The Relationship The Cattle Egret forages in pastures and fields among livestock such as cattle and horses, feeding on the insects stirred up by the movement of the grazing animals. The egrets benefit from the arrangement, but the livestock, generally, do not.
Name The Relationship Fleas are small dark, reddish-brown, wingless, blood-sucking insects. Their legs are long and well adapted for jumping. The flea body is hard, polished, and covered with many hairs and short spines directed backward. The mouthparts of an adult flea are adapted for sucking blood from a host.
Name The Relationship higher plants disperse their seeds using berries and fruits such as the raspberries in the photograph. The berries or fruits are eaten by birds or mammals. They pass through the digestive system.
Name The Relationship Athlete’s foot is a common fungal infection of the skin of your feet. The fungus, tinea pedis, is contracted from public environments. The fungus then grows in the warm and moist environment of your footwear, and can be difficult to eradicate.
Name The Relationship The small fish attached to the shark's belly by means of a suction disc, is called a remora, or "sharksucker". It travels everywhere with the shark, and eats scraps left over from the shark's meals.
Name The Relationship Cleaner Wrasses removing parasites from a batfish. Many reef fishes often line up at a "cleaning station", waiting to be serviced by the wrasses. The wrasses benefit by gaining a steady and reliable source of food, while their customers benefit by having harmful parasites removed.
Name The Relationship The Boxer Crab carries a pair of stinging anemones in its claws, which it uses to defend itself from predators. The anemones gain mobility which increases their food supply.