By: Ama Emperor Angelfish
Thesis The Emperor Angelfish’s name suits it’s self because of its characteristics. It is strong and can live up to 15 years. When it is young, it is angel-like and shy. When it is old, it acts as a cleaner for other fish who have parasites, because of this it is a ruler of great rank.
what the fish eats Eats sponges and algae Gets eaten by pilot whales and squids what eats your fish
where it lives native to the Indian and Pacific Oceans, from the Red Sea to Hawaii and the Austral Islands. Not endangered, but their homes are, which are coral
how it reproduces Angelfish are known to claim an area of the tank as their own when they are ready to breed. They also select a mate. When they lay their eggs the male follows behind the female, and fertilizes them. Lays hundreds of eggs, and let them float on the current
what are the interesting and unique behaviors and genetic traits about your fish that make it so different from other fish? Acts like a cleaning station for fish who have parasites Juveniles prefer to stay hidden under ledges or inside holes of outer lagoon patch reefs or semi-protected areas of exposed channels and outer reef flats
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