SHRP2 Capacity Implementation | February 2013 When Research Meets the Road Capacity Focus Area February 4, 2013.


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Presentation transcript:

SHRP2 Capacity Implementation | February 2013 When Research Meets the Road Capacity Focus Area February 4, 2013

SHRP2 Capacity Implementation | February 2013 Agenda SHRP2 Overview –What is SHRP2? –Focus Areas –Implementation Assistance Technical Product Description Product Implementation Wrap-up: Implementation Timeline Questions? 2

SHRP2 Capacity Implementation | February 2013 What is SHRP2? Products developed from objective, credible research Solutions that respond to challenges of the transportation community – safety, aging infrastructure, congestion Collaborative effort of AASHTO, FHWA, and TRB Tested products, refined in the field 3 Tools to save lives, save money, save time. SHRP2 Solutions offer new technologies and processes to enhance the efficiency of transportation agencies

SHRP2 Capacity Implementation | February Safety: fostering safer driving through analysis of driver, roadway and vehicle factors in crashes, near crashes, and ordinary driving Renewal: rapid maintenance and repair of the deteriorating infrastructure using already-available resources, innovations and technologies Capacity: planning and designing a highway system that offers minimum disruption and meets the environmental, and economic needs of the community Reliability: reducing congestion and creating more predictable travel times through better operations Focus Areas

SHRP2 Capacity Implementation | February 2013 Implementing SHRP2 Solutions Moving forward Approximately 30 high-priority products introduced over the next few years Users run the gamut of the transportation industry Selected products integrated into current transportation practices 5

SHRP2 Capacity Implementation | February 2013 Products Ready for First Round Implementation Capacity Implementing Eco-Logical (C06) Renewal Next-Generation Project Management Tools –Managing Risk on Rapid Renewal Projects(R09) –Managing Complex Projects (R10) Bridge Designs for Rapid Renewal (R04) Preservation Techniques for Heavily-Traveled Roadways (R26) Reliability Organizing for Reliability Tools (L01/L06) 6

SHRP2 Capacity Implementation | February 2013 Implementation Assistance Levels of Engagement Proof of Concept Pilot Funds for piloting products to evaluate readiness for implementation Contractor support to collect data and evaluate the application Lead Adopter Incentive Funds for lead adopters to offset implementation cost and mitigate risks Recipients required to provide specific deliverables designed to further refine the product, and possibly “champion” the product to other States and localities. User Incentive Funds for implementation support activities after lead adopter use. Used to conduct internal assessments, build capacity, implement system process changes, organize peer exchanges, or offset other implementation costs 7

SHRP2 Capacity Implementation | February 2013 Implementation Assistance Products & Solicitation 8 First Round Products February 2013 Proof of Concept Pilot Lead Adopter Incentive User Incentive R09 – Managing Risk200 R10 – Complex Projects040 R04 - Bridge0712 R26 – Pavement Preservation010 C06 – Eco-Logical0620 L01/L06 – Ops Organization0200

SHRP2 Capacity Implementation | February 2013 Implementation Assistance Selection Criteria 9 General criteria for participants (will vary among products) Geographic diversity of participants Demonstration of culture to implement new products or processes Demonstration of past interest and/or efforts to implement similar products or processes High commitment to making institutional/organizational changes Commitment to conduct demonstration workshops Willingness to share experience by facilitating peer-to-peer activities Commitment to dedicate staff to the implementation project

SHRP2 Capacity Implementation | February 2013 Bringing greater collaboration for better, faster decisions Capacity Focus Area – Technical Product Description 10

SHRP2 Capacity Implementation | February 2013 Capacity Focus Area Products address: Collaborative decision making; economic impact analysis; dynamic integrated models and networks; conservation, highway planning and environmental review integration; freight demand planning. Benefits: Efficient project delivery, fewer conflicts and delays Reduced project costs because decisions are made once, not revisited Facilities that meet community, mobility, and environmental goals 11 Tools for planning, environmental reviews, and collaborative decision making to expedite project delivery while meeting community and environmental goals.

SHRP2 Capacity Implementation | February 2013 Today’s Product Implementing Eco-Logical (C06) Practical guidance and broad-based ecological approach to highway planning 12

SHRP2 Capacity Implementation | February 2013 Implementing Eco-Logical Challenge Higher expectations and demands, shrinking budgets Piecemeal mitigation Lack of predictability Limited guidance about how to cost-effectively apply an ecosystem-scale approach to transportation planning Solution Create a roadmap for applying the ecosystem-scale approach to transportation planning, and provide the tools, evidence, and best practices to support multiagency adoption 13

SHRP2 Capacity Implementation | February 2013 Implementing Eco-Logical – Background Builds on FHWA’s Eco-Logical: An Ecosystem Approach to Developing Infrastructure Projects (2006) Fills a gap by addressing challenges in planning for ecosystems and infrastructure –Duplication of efforts –Uncertainty and lack of predictability –Results: piecemeal mitigation 14

SHRP2 Capacity Implementation | February 2013 Eco-Logical Overview 9-step process to identify ecological priorities in a region Includes tools for: –Cumulative effects and alternatives analysis –Regulatory assurances –Ecosystems crediting 15 Environmental Permitting Planning Ecosystems Conservation Ecosystems Conservation

SHRP2 Capacity Implementation | February 2013 Benefits to the Eco-Logical Approach Promotes streamlined and efficient delivery of infrastructure projects Improves the predictability of project permitting and environmental review Enhances interagency coordination 16 Predictability Connectivity Conservation Transparency

SHRP2 Capacity Implementation | February 2013 Bringing greater collaboration for better, faster decisions Capacity Focus Area – Product Implementation 17

SHRP2 Capacity Implementation | February 2013 Implementing Eco-Logical – Financial Assistance 18 No proof of concept pilots –15 previous Eco-Logical grant projects and 4 SHRP2 pilots Up to 6 Lead Adopter Incentives $200,000 - $250,000 each Up to 20 User Incentives ~ $25,000 each State DOTs and MPOs eligible First Round Products February 2013 Proof of Concept Pilot Lead Adopter Incentive User Incentive C06 – Eco-Logical0620

SHRP2 Capacity Implementation | February 2013 Implementing Eco-Logical – Current FHWA Activities 19 Administer financial incentives Develop guidelines/model agreements to support integrated conservation, planning, and permitting Leverage agency liaisons Identify links to MAP-21 Support technical training and peer exchanges Examine lifecycle costs and benefits Identify and equip champions and opinion leaders

SHRP2 Capacity Implementation | February 2013 Implementing Eco-Logical – Additional Development Activities 20 Data integration –geospatial ecological screening tools and data Strategies to address offsite mitigation concerns

SHRP2 Capacity Implementation | February 2013 Implementing Eco-Logical – AASHTO Activities 21 Survey State Departments of Transportation Develop an Eco-Logical starter kit Develop an Eco-Logical Practitioner Handbook Provide executive training Provide technical expert assistance Provide peer exchange opportunities Bring together State DOT environmental and planning practitioners Develop and facilitate an Eco-Logical community of practice Document case studies to highlight successful use Develop an awards and recognition program Develop an outreach and communication plan and materials

SHRP2 Capacity Implementation | February 2013 Implementing Eco-Logical Implementing Eco-Logical An Ecological Approach to Integrating Conservation and Highway Planning, Volume 2, is available online at For more information, please work with your FHWA Division Office ( or contact one of the following: 22 Shari Shannon Stephen

SHRP2 Capacity Implementation | February 2013 Looking Ahead: Transportation for Communities: Advancing Projects through Partnerships (TCAPP) (C01) Expedited Planning and Environmental Review (C19) Economic Projections (C03/C11) Travel Demand and Network Models (C10) Freight Planning Guide (C15) 23

SHRP2 Capacity Implementation | February 2013 Implementation Timeline Solicitation opens: Mid-February Solicitation closes: Mid-March First awards: Mid-April 24

SHRP2 Capacity Implementation | February 2013 Questions? 25 Contact your FHWA Division SHRP2 Research: SHRP2 at AASHTO: Eco-Logical: eco_entry.asp