Do you stroll around to see the view? Introduction You are the extraordinary wealthy Madeline Astor, who is thrilled to bits to be aboard the luxurious R.M.S. Titanic. You are with your handsome husband(John Astor)and are wanting a glorious ride. After viewing the colossal vessel tied to the port, you enter the ship with a proud smile on your face. Slowly, you realise what the difference is between 1 st and 3 rd class. Do you go straight to your cabin?
Do you lie down for a rest? You go to your cabin Do you go for a stroll? As you walk gracefully through the corridor, you both find the lavish cabin of your own. It is palatial with golden trims around tables, chairs and picture frames. With shacking hands, you explore the rooms together. Your jaw drops as you realise that they didn’t lie about the luxury of the ship: Golden cutlery, lovely looking diners and all the wine you could imagine.
Is John pleased to meet the captain of the ship? You go for a stroll around the ship Is John cross because you went off alone? Feeling energetic from discovering your room, you decide to go for a stroll around the ship. Walking around in your opulent fur coat, you see the glorious paintings of famous boats. Suddenly, you bump into an old friend-Captain Smith. “Good day to you, Captain,” you say “I haven't seen you since that celebration of yours.” “It’s nice to see you again Madeline,” exclaimed Captain Smith. You liked that party. Just seconds later, John Astor burst through the doors “Where… where have you been” You reply “I’ve been exploring, It’s very big.”
You lie down for a rest You go for a stroll around the ship. Just before you nap, you unpack your bag Being tired, you lie down for a rest preparing for your prestigious evening meal. Your resting time last for 2 hours before the restaurant opens for the evening meal.
Do you run away upset? Your husband is cross with you Do you stay and sort things out? Your husband is cross with you, because you went off without him and he didn’t know where you were. You could’ve got injured or lost.
Your husband is pleased to meet the captain of the Titanic You enjoy the rest of the trip with John – THE END Thankfully, your husband is pleased to meet up with the captain. You all talk about the great old times through memories from the past.
You stay and sort things out You enjoy the rest of the trip with John THE END Happily, you stay and sort everything out and you and your husband are happy and calm again like you were before. Everyone is happy that you are safe and you enjoy the rest of the trip with John – your husband.
You run away upset You decide to go left Upset, you run as fast as your legs can carry you out of the room to get some air as your husband is cross with you. As you charge like a cheetah down the uncountable stairs, you get lost in the corridors of the immense vessel. All of a sudden, the ship sways from side to side and then CRASH!!! You realise that the icy waters will be swimming like lightning through the lower decks. You decide to go right
You take the left corridor Do you go back the way you came? Trembling with fear, you dash down the left corridor as you know that your life is at stake… Running without end, you try to find an exit. The water is gushing through the rooms and slowly but surely filling. Suddenly, John bursts through doors and so does the water. The ferocious water is eating up the space. Further and further you run, trying to get to higher decks but it’s like trying to run through walls whilst getting shoved around and around like a whirlpool! Do you take the right corridor?
You take the right corridor You go back the way you came Terrified, you run down through the right corridor towards the screams “John you will have to move the bookcase to the side to free them!” you suggest. “That’s CRAZY!” John replies, “It’s like suicide!” The water rises rapidly. “Can’t you hear the horrified shrieks” you shout “Ok ok ok… I’ll do it,” John replies. He submerges himself in the icy, cold waters that rush swiftly around the 3 rd class rooms. Suddenly, you stop. You realise that John might not survive, but then the doorway is unblocked and all the people are saved.
You go back the way you came You both survive the disaster? THE END Suddenly, you find yourself going back the way that you came and you got lost. You find a group of life boats and the person in charge decides to let you and john aboard together as you are both first class passengers.