JOHN BURTON FOUNDATION THP-Plus Letter of Intent Online Webinar – September 9, 2008 at 10:00 am Presented by Michele Byrnes and Amy Lemley, John Burton Foundation Call-in phone number for live audio: (703) Access code:
Webinar technical details Call-in phone number for live audio: (703) Access code: To submit live questions, click on the “Question and Answer” arrow on your screen, type your question, and click “Send.”
Goal of today’s training To assist counties in estimating the most accurate demand for THP-Plus based on: –Estimated number of youth in need –Actual THP-Plus rate –Current housing supply –County contracting process
Outline of presentation Importance of the Letter of Intent (LOI) Estimating demand in your county Elements of the LOI Questions?
Why is the Letter of Intent important? Provides information to CDSS to allow for: –Accurate budgeting –Timely allocation –Ongoing management and planning
LOI in context of full budget process CDSS submits estimates to DOF Oct.Dec.JuneFeb.Nov.Jan.MayJuly Governor’s May Revise Approved budget bill to Governor Budget Act takes effect Legislative budget hearings held Letter of Intent Due Governor’s budget due to Legislature
Estimating demand and planning THP-Plus capacity (1)Estimate demand for THP-Plus (2)Determine planned housing capacity (3)Determine actual THP-Plus rate (4)Budget for costs (5)Keep CDSS informed
Step 1. Estimate demand for THP- Plus Calculate the number of eligible youth using data archived at the Center for Social Services Research – are/Exits.aspx are/Exits.aspx Include youth that emancipated over the past six years ( )
Step 1. Estimate demand for THP- Plus (continued) Goal: Determine rate of homelessness among former foster youth Proxy: Findings from the Midwest Evaluation of the Adult Functioning of Former Foster Youth and the Northwest Foster Care Alumni Study –13% - 22% of former foster youth were homeless for at least one night
Step 1. Estimate demand for THP- Plus (continued) County# Youth Emancipated in 2007 Total # Eligible Youth ( ) Estimated Demand (13%-22%) Planned FY Capacity % Demand Met San Diego3152, % - 65% Santa Clara % - 80% Stanislaus % - 70%
THP-Plus capacity by county For information by county, visit Severely under: < 50% Under: 51% to 99% At Capacity: Within range Over Capacity: Above range
Step 2. Determine planned housing capacity Does the county already provide THP-Plus housing and services? Is current housing capacity meeting the need? Do the existing THP-Plus providers have the ability and track record to expand their capacity? Does the community have additional experienced youth housing providers? What is the county contracting timeline?
Step 3. Determine actual THP-Plus rate Actual THP-Plus rate reflects funding provider receives for housing and supportive services Actual THP-Plus rate is typically lower than maximum THP-Plus rate Using actual rate improves accuracy of LOI and statewide budget estimate
Step 4. Budget for costs County budgets for costs incurred until reimbursed by CDSS County fiscal staff must be included in the conversation to ensure enough funding is in the county budget to sustain the program until reimbursed by CDSS
Step 5. Keep CDSS informed Regular communication with CDSS improves program administration and management Notify CDSS: –If there are changes to THP-Plus actual rate –When provider(s) have been selected –If THP-Plus capacity changes –If there are any programmatic or fiscal changes
Elements of the Letter of Intent Number of anticipated youth served THP-Plus monthly rate paid to the provider(s) by model Anticipated implementation date Number of youth that age-out of foster care in the county each year Contact information for program and fiscal staff
LOI Submission Information CDSS will issue ACIN with details and deadline 2007 deadline was October 1 st LOI should be submitted to: California Department of Social Services Independent Living Program Policy Unit Statewide Transitional Housing Coordinator 744 P Street, M.S Sacramento, California 95814
Project Announcements “The Host Family Model in THP-Plus” released July 17 th “Outcomes for Former Foster Youth in California's THP-Plus Program: Are Youth in THP-Plus Faring Better?” released September 4 th Publications available at
Questions or comments? Enter questions on your screen now by clicking the “Question and Answer” arrow, typing your question, and clicking “Send.” Or direct later questions or comments to: Michele Byrnes John Burton Foundation (415) Policy questions concerning the Letter of Intent should be directed to: Lynette Stueve or Vebra Switzer California Department of Social Services (916) (Lyn) or (916) (Vebra) or