The EU Strategy for the Danube Region and the concept on multi-level governance Nádasi György Deputy Head of Department Government Office for the EU Strategy for the Danube Region 23 March 2011
2 The role of macro-regions Opens a new, more efficient form of regional cooperation Aim: reducing regional disparities within the EU, Renewed partnership between the neighbouring countries and regions Also strengthening the relationship with the non-member states EUSDR: 11 policy areas (so called “priority areas, PA”), including a wide range of issues, i.a.: transportation on roads and waterways, energy, culture and tourism, quality of waters, environmental challenges, education, competitiveness of enterprises and security Actions and projects
3 Governance of the EUSDR Success of macro-regional cooperation depending on the effective application of multi-level governance Implementation of the 11 priority areas of the EUSDR through respective member states as coordinators (Priority Area Coordinators – PAC) PAC: activity based on projects to be implemented by the partners project partners at least from three member states: possible involvment of public sector, NGOs, academic sector, businesses, professional organisations
4 Mutual relevances for EGTCs and EUSDR Implementation of EUSDR on project level: inclusion of municipal actors crucial Draft EUSDR Council Conclusions welcome „the active cooperation of all interested international, national and regional organisations, regional and local communities in areas where actions of mutual interest can be identified, respecting the initiatives of the civil society” EGTC: solution on project level in cross-border and trans-national context, implementation of concrete projects and measures e.g. city to city networks EUSDR: coordinated implementation on macro-regional level ensuring political commitment of all stakeholders, including all relevant governance levels
5 EUSDR Action Plan priority area 10. EUSDR Action Plan - Priority Area 10: „To step up institutional capacity and cooperation” actions on developing governance models in the Danube region ensuring sufficient information flow on all governance levels to promote efficiency
6 10) To step up institutional capacity and cooperation Presentation of the issue „Full use of this potential requires efforts improving transnational, national, regional and local governance systems. They should focus on administrative capacity and optimisation of management practices. In the context of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region they should assist in intensifying cooperation.” (EUSDR Action Plan chapter 10.) Danube Region specifics „The Region has a heritage of deep political transformation, including post- communist transition, national separatism and the foundation of new states. This makes bridging political divides particularly important as well as improving institutional capacity and management mechanisms at supranational level.” (EUSDR Action Plan chapter 10.)
7 Examples for relevant EUSDR actions and projects Action - “To combat institutional capacity and public service related problems in the Danube region” Example of project - “To use European Groupings for Territorial Cooperation (EGTC) in the Danube Region” Action - “To ensure sufficient information flow and exchange at all levels” Example from other PAs: Action - “To improve cross-sector policy coordination to address demographic and migration challenges”.