Ranks in the Roman Army Who was in charge of a Legion? Who had the lowest rank? What was an ordinary soldier called?
Who Was in Charge? The Legate commanded a Legion ( 5,120 men) The Legates deputy the Senior Tribune was the second-in-command Did you know? The Legate was handpicked by the Emperor himself.
The Soldier lowest in Ranks Non citizen soldiers were called Auxilaries Auxilaries lay lowest in rank and were always being bossed about by their superiors Auxilaries were orginised into Cohorts of around 500 to 600 men.
Punishment There were around 64 Centurions in a legion. The man who gave out beatings was called the Centurion who also lead a century ( 80 men ) One Centurion was nicknamed “ Bring me another” because he broke his cane over his men
Legionary The Legionaries were one step up from Auxilaries and thousands died each day for their emperor Legionaries were ordinary soldiers There were 8 men in a contaburnia. 10 Contaburnia in a Century. 6 Centuries in a Cohort. 10 Centuries in a Prima Cohors. 9 Cohorts and 1 Prima Cohors in a Legion.
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