1 Photovoltaic mode
2 A simple I to U converter Basic building block: I to U converter U = R * I
3 PD bias increases linear range
4 + voltage output buffer... Simple standard circuit. Can be very sensitive, but has generally limited dynamic range.
5 Transimpedance configuration Advantage: larger dynamic range Disadvantage: OpAmp has to take the PD current
6 Transimpedance configuration Noises: R Thermal noise: ~sqrt(R) OP voltage noise: fixed by OP type OP current noise: fixed by OP type, but scales with R Photocurrent shot noise: ~sqrt(I)
7 Noise sources as function of R
8 Resonant PD A resonant circuit around the PD (here: C_pd and L1) can increase the dynamic range, depending on the signal content. It can have other advantages, as avoiding non-linearities Z = L1 / (R_pd * C_pd) on resonance Thermal noise according to Z
9 GEO PD circuit
10 New style GEO PD circuit Enhanced dynamic range, multiple resonant outputs
11 LIGO PD circuit variable bias
12 Virgo PD circuit DC current combined to output