BCWG - 16/11/20102 Content WHY do we need a HW Commissioning campaign? WHAT are we going to do? HOW are we going to do it? ElQA QPS Powering Tests Planning (draft) Overlook (4TeV) Miscellaneous M.Pojer/M.Solfaroli
BCWG - 16/11/20103 WHY Lots of activities will be performed in the LHC underground Activities cannot be fully controlled We cannot ensure a 100% correctly functioning machine protection system Cryogenic intervention: Warming up of the arc magnets below 80 K DFBs will warm up above 80 K (as already happened in short technical stops) M.Pojer/M.Solfaroli
BCWG - 16/11/20104 WHAT Assume operation at 3.5 TeV Monitoring of electrical integrity of some circuits (high current circuits of the arc and spool pieces) during warm- up and cool-down will be installed ELQA will be performed ONLY for the circuits with a current above 600A QPS – QH firing (scheduled once per year): as risk of damage during the test is higher than risk of failure when needed (redundancy of quench heaters and very limited number of beam induced quenches), heater firing tests ONLY for magnets whose cables are disconnected –no systematic heater firing for MB and for MQ magnets M.Pojer/M.Solfaroli
BCWG - 16/11/20105 WHAT Circuit protection requires correct operation of the interlocks (QPS, PIC, PC) and EE --> Almost all tests to verify the correct functioning of interlocks will be performed Reduced number of other tests, according to expert requirements Heat run for all circuits will be performed (8hours) as last step M.Pojer/M.Solfaroli
BCWG - 16/11/20106 HOW - ElQA The ElQA team and equipment: Equipment for testing up to 4 sectors in parallel 5 teams available inside the ElQA team (2 teams per sector + 1 (per MIC) needed) –> up to 2 sectors in parallel NEEDS (for one sector) 2 teams for HV ElQA 1 team for MIC M.Pojer/M.Solfaroli
BCWG - 16/11/20107 Snubber capacitors: Installed only for RB circuits –ONLY ONE SECTOR will be connected for testing (assuming re-commissioning to 3.5TeV) –ELQA to be done (separately) Old global main bus-bar detector taken out in all sectors Quench heater power supplies switches: –test during switch off to identify weak switches Test of the third (Z) switch of 600 A citrcuits (within test step of HC) Upgrade all Q9 and Q10 voltage divider (Q10 R2 done) – test within the normal HWC sequence HOW - QPS M.Pojer/M.Solfaroli
BCWG - 16/11/20108 HOW - PTs Simplification of test execution: Excluding high current tests (RB, RQD) a test step with same current level can be done before the previous test step is signed Signature of tests to be cleaned up (not required that several teams sign the same test) Parallel tests of several circuits - Global Power Abort will be disabled (re-enabled after the tests) M.Pojer/M.Solfaroli
BCWG - 16/11/20109 HOW - PTs Circuit typeTestEstimation RB (8) PIC2~30 min 5/8 PIC tests 4/13 other tests (+2 if 4TeV) PLI1.d2 Unipolar Powering Failure~10min PLI2.b2 Energy Extraction from QPS I_Interm_1~20min PLI3.d2 Unipolar Powering Failure~15min PNO.b2 Energy Extraction from QPS~30min RQD/F (16) PIC2~30 min (per circuit) 5/8 PIC tests 2/12 other tests PLI2.b3 Energy Extraction from QPS 13kA~20min PNO.b3 Energy Extraction from QPS 13kA~30min M.Pojer/M.Solfaroli
BCWG - 16/11/ HOW - PTs Circuit typeSectorEstimation IPQs (78) PIC2~15min 3/6 PIC tests 1/7 other tests (+ PNO.a7) PNO.c3 Fast Power Abort IPQ~35min IT (8) PIC2~20min 3/6 PIC tests 2/16 other tests PNO.d12 PC Failure at +10% of PNO~10min PNO.d13 PC Failure at -10% of PNO~10min IPD (16) PIC2~15min 3/6 PIC tests 2/4 other tests PNO.c2 Fast Power Abort IPD~20min 600A EE (202) PIC2~10min 3/6 PIC tests 2/6 other tests PLI3.b1 Energy Extraction from QPS 600A~5min PNO.d3 Bipolar Powering Failure 600A~15min 600A no EE (72) PIC2~10min 3/6 PIC tests 1/4 other tests PNO.d3 Bipolar Powering Failure 600A~15min M.Pojer/M.Solfaroli
BCWG - 16/11/ HOW - PTs Circuit type SectorEstimation 600A no EE crow (136) PIC2~10min 3/6 PIC tests 1/4 other tests PNO.d3 Bipolar Powering Failure 600A ~15min 80 – 120A (284) PIC2~2min 1/3 PIC tests 1/4 other tests PNO.d1 Bipolar Powering Failure~10min 60A (752) PNO.d1 Bipolar Powering Failure~10min 1/3 other tests TOT 1792/3672 PIC tests - 49% 1690/5878 other tests - 29% (of course including the 60A) …+8h Heat run and GPM check M.Pojer/M.Solfaroli
BCWG - 16/11/ Cryo Maintains CRYO 19/ / / /0134 – 81 27/0112 – 45 01/0223 M.Pojer/M.Solfaroli
13 DSO tests 2 shifts – 13h 7am - 8pm 3 shifts 7/7 days 3 shifts 7/7 days 3 shifts 7/7 days First sector in Phase I powering
BCWG - 16/11/ Overlook - 4TeV 4 TeV considerations: We don’t expect a significant delay Current in RB: 6770 A instead of 5925 A (1 more step) Values for current in corrector magnets (M.Giovannozzi) QPS rating might need to be reviewed Snubber capacitors: needed for RB (to be connected) to be clarified for RQD/F RQX.R1 – voltage reduction Symm nQPS threshold (800 mV) to be lowered? dI/dt: RB time constant to be increased to 68 s RB.A78 high voltage tested only to 1.6 kV - to be confirmed Splice safety to be confirmed by ongoing simulations M.Pojer/M.Solfaroli
BCWG - 16/11/ MISCELLANOUS RRR measurements Simulation validation tests Re-test of circuits where PC replaced Inner Triplet tests: PC trips when power permit removed Some special test for selected circuit (refer to MP3) Snubber caps: Energy extraction at different current levels ( kA) M.Pojer/M.Solfaroli
BCWG - 16/11/ CONCLUSIONS We are confident that HWC will be short and quick –All SW already used –No heavy modification on circuits –No mayor modification on procedure –Strongly reduced number of tests Possible commissioning to 4 TeV wouldn’t take much –Studies on technical showstopper ongoing Difficulties in finding people to cover the shifts could slow down the commissioning time LHC should be ready for operation by 18 Feb. M.Pojer/M.Solfaroli