CP Sub-Cluster Coordinator Training CP Sub-Cluster Coordinator Training 2010 The Role, Responsibilities and Accountabilities of the Sub-Cluster Coordinator
CP Sub-Cluster Coordinator Training CP Sub-Cluster Coordinator Training 2010 What are the responsibilities of the Sub-Cluster Coordinator? - or – What is the most unusual task you have carried out as a Child Protection Coordinator?
CP Sub-Cluster Coordinator Training Assessment Organise and oversee an interagency Child Protection assessment of gaps and assets Ensure that key child protection concerns are reflected in OCHA-led multi-sectoral assessments, as well as other sectoral- specific assessments
CP Sub-Cluster Coordinator Training Strategic Planning Map current institutional response capacities Develop a realistic, evidence-based, interagency CP Response Plan
CP Sub-Cluster Coordinator Training Capacity-building Develop an IA CPIE capacity-building strategy that meets the needs and priorities of key national and local stakeholders
CP Sub-Cluster Coordinator Training Monitoring and Evaluation Identify benchmarks for the Strategic Response Plan Periodically review strategic Response Plan to identify gaps and find ways to fill them
CP Sub-Cluster Coordinator Training Management & Representation Identify appropriate mechanisms for working with national authorities Ensure that PoP are reflected in day-to-day work of coordination mechanism Represent sub-cluster’s interests in humanitarian coordination mechanisms, and with humanitarian community & others Establish results-oriented, two-way communication channels between levels to promote, upgrade and strengthen a more standardized CP response
CP Sub-Cluster Coordinator Training 2010 Management & Representation (cont.) Promote emergency response actions and early recovery planning Identify entry points for building and/or strengthening national child protection systems Develop emergency preparedness plan In the transition phase, develop a clear plan of action to hand over to appropriate actors
CP Sub-Cluster Coordinator Training Inter/Intra-Cluster Coordination & Mainstreaming Identify opportunities to integrate CP into other protection and other sector activities and to avoid duplication Work to prevent unintentional harm to children as a result of inappropriate humanitarian assistance Support MHPSS & GBV coordination mechanism as necessary
CP Sub-Cluster Coordinator Training Resource Mobilisation Develop CERF, FLASH and CAP appeals Advocate with donors to ensure appropriate support for interagency CP activities and the sector as a whole. Organise IA meetings with donors Leverage resources within UNICEF to support IA CP activities under the sub-cluster
CP Sub-Cluster Coordinator Training Promotion & Setting of Standards Refresh or establish a) standards and b) core commitments Promote/facilitate cross-cutting issues into CP response Promote appropriate use of participatory and community-based approaches, which are based on the best interests of the child Promote ‘do no harm’ principles & facilitate their integration into all aspects of response
CP Sub-Cluster Coordinator Training Provider of Last Resort IASC Operational Guidance on Provider of Last Resort
CP Sub-Cluster Coordinator Training 2010 IASC Cross-cutting Issues 1.HIV /AIDS 2.Gender 3.Environment 4.Age
CP Sub-Cluster Coordinator Training 2010 Exercise Group 1: What resources and support will you need to be able to deliver on the TOR? Group 2 : Which elements of the TOR might be most difficult to achieve and why? Group 3: What might be your benchmark for achievement against elements 1-4 of TOR? Group 4: What might be your benchmark for achievement against elements 5-8 of TOR?
CP Sub-Cluster Coordinator Training 2010 The Accountabilities of Coordinators You - the Child Protection Coordinator UNICEF Chief of Protection / Head of Office Protection Cluster Coordinator (or Humanitarian Coordinator) Donors Children - the ultimate accountability sub-Cluster participants