Chapter 5 “Called to Justice” Review Questions 1. Stretches us to open our heart, soul, strength, and mind to remove any boundaries that hinder us from seeing the presence of God. 2. Acts of the Apostles. 3. Luke cites the Holy Spirit at every step of Jesus’ journey – from conception through infancy, childhood, baptism, and temptation, to the beginning of his public ministry.
Chapter 5 continued 4. The Holy Spirit worked throughout the life and ministry of Jesus. He continues to work in our midst as we live the mission of Jesus and the mission of the Church in our daily lives. The Spirit of God weaves together the past, the present, and the future. 5. The three Persons in one God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. 6. The Father possesses providential care for creation, the Son has his mission of the Incarnation, and the Holy Spirit as gift.
Chapter 5 continued 7. “Glory Be” and the Sign of the Cross. 8. The Holy Spirit is with the Church always, guiding and strengthening her to continue Jesus’ work in the world. The Spirit gives wisdom and courage, teaches us to pray, and helps us hear and learn from God’s word. 9. The Lord’s Prayer. 10. Through prayer, we learn more about the Trinity, we respond to God’s invitation to us; we listen to God, and he listens to us.
Chapter 5 continued 11. God chooses the humble and powerless (the anawin) to bring about salvation. 12. They distrusted and hated Samaritans. 13. Those who shared a meal were considered to be extended family. Sharing food (table fellowship) was a sign of acceptance, unity, and closeness. 14. Pharisees, scribes, tax collectors, a sinful woman, and other sinners. The critics complained that Jesus was too inclusive.
Chapter 5 continued 15. The Last Supper event, during which Jesus also blesses food and shares it with those present. 16. Take, bless, break, and give.