History of Video Production By: Blaire Bledsoe
1868 The first animated motion picture. fantasmagorie
1877 A variety of photographs can be viewed thanks to the stroboscopic disc. techproductions.c om/historyoftelevis ion.htm
1877 The birth a cinemas.
1888 In 1888 Thomas Edison created the kineograph which is a motion picture camera. techproductions.co m/historyoftelevision. htm
1895 The first special effect is made.
1895 First Motion pictures were displayed in France. techproductions.com/ historyoftelevision.htm
1895 The first projector was made.
1897 The first television camera worked in 1897! production-equipment.html
1897 Cathode Ray Tube by Ferdinand Buran were developed. techproductions.com/historyoft elevision.htm
1905 The first film with color was produced.
1920 In 1920, American engineer, Philo Taylor Farnsworth devised the television camera, out.com/library/in ventors/blvideo.ht m
1926 The first showing of television. about-film-and-video
1930 In 1930 sound was added to motion pictures. Before this time there was no sound at all.
1939 The first commercial television broadcasting began in New York City. ild/th100/tv.htm
1951 Charles P. Ginsburg invented the first videotape recorder in The first model was sold for $50,000 in om/facts_ _hi story-video- production- equipment.html
1960 Animations were added to computers.
1971 The first available video cassette was the Sony Betamax in t.com/library/invento rs/blvideo.htm
1913 The first talking movie was made. y-about-film-and-video
1968 Movies were rated on which audience would be most appropriate to watch the film. story-about-film-and-video
1976 The first VHS was invented. VHS stands for Video Home System. t.com/library/invento rs/blvideo.htm
WEBSITES techproductions.com/historyoftelevision.h tm techproductions.com/historyoftelevision.h tm ory-video-production-equipment.html