MUH 2019 (section 0001) “American Popular Music” (Spring 2016, Class # 11613) Classroom Building I (CB1), Room :00 noon-1:15 pm (Tues-Thurs)
Instructor: Scott Warfield Associate Professor of Music History Office: PAC M
Syllabus (& other Important Points) 3 credits - may count toward GEP # 2.B. (check your catalog and speak to your advisor) Textbook & Other Materials Communication ( , web pages, etc.) Testing and Grading Class Procedures and Decorum, etc. Final Details (Academic Integrity, SDS, etc.)
Some Important Web Pages My home web page : Scott Warfield's Home page (google my name to find) Scott Warfield's Home page MUH 2019 home web page : MUH "American Popular Music..." - links to: Syllabus, Daily Assignments, Publisher’s Web Site, (my) Review Sheets, PowerPoint Slides, etc. MUH "American Popular Music..." “Bookmark” or add to your “Favorites”
TEXTBOOK REQUIRED 4 th Edition ONLY UCF Bookstore or….? - Buy - Rent (?) - Borrow (this edition) Download Access Card (for 60 audio examples) REQUIRED
FRIENDLY ALERT Thursday, 14 January 2016, beginning of class Short “Pre-Test” (no STUDYING required) General background and music knowledge Your Score irrelevant Counts as “extra credit” for course (1-2 points) Bring “Strawberry” scantrons and #2 pencil Must complete to qualify for Financial Aid
“American Popular Music” What is it?
“American” United States of America (only)
What is “Popular”? from The Oxford English Dictionary Etymology: “classical Latin populāris (adjective) of or belonging to the people as a whole, belonging to or used by ordinary people, available to the whole community, of the common people, supporting or professing to support the interests of the common people, liked or admired by many people”
OED definitions (selected) 3a. Of, relating to, deriving from, or consisting of ordinary people or the people as a whole; generated by the general public; democratic. 4. Of cultural activities or products. 4a. Intended for or suited to the understanding or taste of ordinary people, esp. as opposed to specialists in a field; spec. (of literature, etc.) intended for and directed at a general readership. 4b. Adapted to the means of ordinary people; low or moderate in price.
More OED definitions 7a. Liked or admired by many people, or by a particular person or group. 7b. Designating forms of art, music, or culture with general appeal; intended primarily to entertain, please, or amuse. Cf. sense A. 4, popular culture n. (Hint: “4” is best for this course)
Starr & Waterman define… “In this book we use the term ‘popular music’ broadly to indicate music that is mass- reproduced and disseminated via the mass media, that has at various times been listened to by large numbers of Americans, and that typically draws upon a variety of preexisting musical traditions.”(textbook, p. 6)
…thus, “popular music” is: 1. mass-produced and mass-disseminated (requires some sort of technology) 2. listened to (“used” and “consumed”) by large numbers of people (in the U.S.) (now or in the past) 3. generally based on a variety of (pre-existing) musical traditions
Five “Themes” 1.Listening Critically 2.Music and Identity 3.Music and Technology 4.Music is a Business 5.Music has “Centers” and “Peripheries” (places)
Friendly Alert (Again) Thursday, 14 January 2016 PRE-TEST Bring a STRAWBERRY scantron & # 2 pencil