Properly light subjects Key Back Fill Three points
Focuses on the intensity of the Key Light High Key – Upbeat scenes Medium Key – Average, every day Low Key – Dramatic scenes
Contrast is the range between pure white and pure black Low Contrast – Used for softening faces and features to create a happier environment. Softens lines and lightly blurs High Contrast – Used for creating harsh lines and defined features on the face. Shows very aggressive emotions.
The hardness or softness of lighting Hard Light – Strong key light and weak/no fill light to create harsh shadow lines Soft Light – Average key light and a strong fill light to create “soft” shadows
The overall sharpness of the shot Soft Focus – Blurs the background and foreground into the same boundaries of focus Sharp Focus – Harshly focuses on the foreground with a noticeably blurred background
The amount of acceptable focus behind and in front of the subject. Short Focal Lens – Makes the entire scene appear in focus; “deep focus” Long Focal Lens – Makes the subject of the scene appear in focus; “shallow focus”
The breadth and width of the shot Compressed – The foreground and background seem close together (left in photo) Decompressed – The foreground and background seem far apart (right in photo)
The tint of the color, which can be used to evoke certain emotions and settings Cool Colors – starkness, coldness Warm Colors – dawn, love
Richness of colors on screen which can convey time and emotion Saturated – Vibrant, rich colors Unsaturated – Bland, colorless
Promotes a general feeling of tension High Contrast – For example, a very low background saturation and a character with high saturation Low Contrast – For example, an orange-ish background is met with a character of a red-ish color
The tiny particles of dye left on the image that can create a gritty appearance. More often used in black and white. Large – Very noticeable grain create a grungy look Fine – Very hidden grain, creating a clean look
Mise-en-scene, the overall appearance of the scene and film “The French Connection” – Large grain and stark lighting to create a grungy, crime-ridden city “Rear Window” – High contrast and rich colors to introduce a romantic vibe