Verbs1. Irregular (must be memorized) a. sum esse - be 1. sum I am1. sumus we are 2. es you are2. estis you are 3. esthe is3. sunt they are 2. Regular (follow a regular set of rules) a. voco vocare - call b. moneo monere - warn 1st Principal Part - voco = Present Active Indicative = I call 2nd principal Part - vocare = Present Active Infinitive = to call Any regular verb which has a first principal part ending in o and a second principal part ending in are is said to be in the First Conjugation. 1st Principal Part - moneo = Present Active Indicative = I warn 2nd principal Part - monere = Present Active Infinitive = to warn Any regular verb which has a first principal part ending in eo and a second principal part ending in ere is said to be in the Second Conjugation.
1st Principal 2nd Principal MeaningPart doceodocereteach habeohaberehave moneomonerewarn respondeorespondereanswer timeo timerefear videovideresee 2nd Conjugation Verbs found on page 33 “Words to Master”
2nd Conjugation verbs use a present stem to conjugate their forms. Present Stem = Present Infinitive - re Present Infinitive monere - re = Present stem mone Rule for the Present Tense for 1 st and 2 nd Conjugation Verbs Present Stem + Personal Endings (Pres. St. + P.E.) Active Voice Personal Endings SingularSubjectPluralSubject 1. o/mI1. muswe 2. syou2. tisyou 3. the, she, it3. ntthey, N.P.N. N.S.N
Present Tense of moneo monere – warn (Page 32) Rule = Present Stem + Personal Endings Singular 1. mone+o = moneoI warn, I am warning, I do warn 2. mone+s = monesyou warn, you are warning, you do warn 3. mone+t = monethe warns, he is warning, he does warn Plural 1. mone+mus = monemuswe warn, we are warning, we do warn 2. mone+tis = monetisyou warn, you are warning, you do warn 3. mone+nt = monentthey warn, they are warning, they do warn
1. I amI am = the verb “be” Verb Irregular Verb 1st Sing. sum esse - be Present Active Indicative sum 2. I am warningI am praising = the verb “warn” Verb Regular Verb 1st Sing. 2nd Conjugation Present moneo monere - warn Active Indicative moneo
3. You (sing.) areyou are = the verb “be” Verb Irregular Verb 2nd Sing. sum esse - be Present Active Indicative es 4. You (sing.) are seeingyou are looking at = the verb “see” Verb Regular Verb 2nd Sing. 2nd Conjugation Present video videre - see Active Indicative vides