Regular and Irregular Verbs
Regular Verbs To make the past tense of REGULAR VERBS we add –ed to the end.. LAUGH becomes LAUGHED If the verbs ends in an ‘e’ we just add ‘d’ to the end – notice the last two letters are still ‘ed’. SMILE becomes SMILED
Irregular Verbs IRREGULAR VERBS are more complicated! With IRREGULAR VERBS the word seems completely different in the past tense. Dictionaries can help us to figure out which word to use. The verb SEE changes to: He SAW the defender handle the ball. We have SEEN how referees can make mistakes.
Are these verbs REGULAR or IRREGULAR? Do Think Swim Run Kiss Play Burn Know Be Eat Write
Check Your Answers! Verb Regular Irregular Do Did Think Thought Swim Swam Run Ran Kiss Kissed Play Played Burn Burned Burnt Know Knew Be Been/Was Eat Ate Write Wrote