Farm Bill Education 2002 Lessons for Daniel Ritter Extension Educator Agriculture/Natural Resources/4-H Youth Purdue CES - Newton County IN
Newton County, Indiana
Newton County Ag Statistics Population 14,500 (82 nd of 92 Indiana Counties) Population 14,500 (82 nd of 92 Indiana Counties) 170,000 acres crop land 170,000 acres crop land Third largest average farm size in state (528 acres) Third largest average farm size in state (528 acres) 82 nd in number of Farms (344 farms) 82 nd in number of Farms (344 farms)
Collaborative Partners Newton County Farm Service Agency Newton County Farm Service Agency Carol Ritchie CED Carol Ritchie CED Newton County Farm Bureau Newton County Farm Bureau Mike Haste President Mike Haste President Purdue University - Department of Agricultural Economics Purdue University - Department of Agricultural Economics Dr. Allan Gray Extension Specialist; Andy Falwell Graduate Student Dr. Allan Gray Extension Specialist; Andy Falwell Graduate Student Purdue CES Newton County Purdue CES Newton County Daniel Ritter Extension Educator Ag/Natural Resources Daniel Ritter Extension Educator Ag/Natural Resources
Farm Bill Review Official Title “The 2002 Farm Security and Rural Investment Act” (FSRIA) Official Title “The 2002 Farm Security and Rural Investment Act” (FSRIA) Three types of payments Three types of payments Loan Deficiency Marketing Assistance Loans Loan Deficiency Marketing Assistance Loans Corn $1.95; Soybean $5.00 Corn $1.95; Soybean $5.00 Counter Cyclical Payments Counter Cyclical Payments Corn $2.63; Soybean $5.80 Corn $2.63; Soybean $5.80 Direct Payments Direct Payments Corn $0.28; Soybean $0.44 Corn $0.28; Soybean $0.44 Soybeans now a program crop (peanuts, lentils, wool, honey also added) Soybeans now a program crop (peanuts, lentils, wool, honey also added)
Farm Bill Review Decisions, Decisions Option 1: Make no changes Option 1: Make no changes Option 2: Add soybeans don’t change base acreage Option 2: Add soybeans don’t change base acreage Option3 : Maximize soybean base Option3 : Maximize soybean base Option 4: Update base acres and CCP payment yields Option 4: Update base acres and CCP payment yields Don’t update yields Don’t update yields Using 70% of difference between ’98 and ‘01 average yield and 1985 program yield Using 70% of difference between ’98 and ‘01 average yield and 1985 program yield Using 93.5% of the ’98 and ’01 average yield Using 93.5% of the ’98 and ’01 average yield Option 5: Trade base acres of other crops for soybean acres* Option 5: Trade base acres of other crops for soybean acres* *Dr. Allan Gray Purdue University *Dr. Allan Gray Purdue University
Farm Bill Education 2002 Confusion and detailed decisions Confusion and detailed decisions Several options Several options Effective for 5-7 years Effective for 5-7 years Complicated formulas to calculate payments Complicated formulas to calculate payments Huge work load and bottleneck at FSA Office Huge work load and bottleneck at FSA Office 1055 farms or parcels to enroll in Newton County 1055 farms or parcels to enroll in Newton County Plenty of good university information and tools Plenty of good university information and tools D. Allan Gray and graduate student Andy Falwell developed Farm Bill Decision Spreadsheet D. Allan Gray and graduate student Andy Falwell developed Farm Bill Decision Spreadsheet
Farm Bill Education 2002 Demonstrated the spreadsheet to FSA Office Demonstrated the spreadsheet to FSA Office Easily interpreted results Easily interpreted results Time savings (options could be reviewed and decision made before FSA appointment) Time savings (options could be reviewed and decision made before FSA appointment) Worked with FSA Office to schedule educational meetings and demonstrate spreadsheet and Purdue University resources Worked with FSA Office to schedule educational meetings and demonstrate spreadsheet and Purdue University resources
Farm Bill Education 2002 Scheduled three meetings in November to inform farmers and landowners of the 2002 Farm Bill changes Scheduled three meetings in November to inform farmers and landowners of the 2002 Farm Bill changes Morning Morning Noon Noon Evening Evening FSA explained new Farm Bill FSA explained new Farm Bill CES demonstrated spreadsheet CES demonstrated spreadsheet Clients were encouraged to run spreadsheet at Clients were encouraged to run spreadsheet at Home on internet Home on internet Home w/ copy of program Home w/ copy of program CES Office CES Office Fourth Meeting in January with Dr. Gray to further discuss farm bill and demonstrate spreadsheet. Fourth Meeting in January with Dr. Gray to further discuss farm bill and demonstrate spreadsheet.
Farm Bill Education 2002 Time savings for FSA Office Time savings for FSA Office Easily interpreted results Easily interpreted results Time savings (options could be reviewed and decision made before FSA appointment) Time savings (options could be reviewed and decision made before FSA appointment) 40 farmers came directly into Purdue CES Office 40 farmers came directly into Purdue CES Office 630 of 1055 FSA farms used Purdue spreadsheet 630 of 1055 FSA farms used Purdue spreadsheet 120,00 acres 120,00 acres Purdue University resources impacted estimated $23 million coming into the county Purdue University resources impacted estimated $23 million coming into the county
Results Spreadsheet and information obviously had a huge financial impact for the county Spreadsheet and information obviously had a huge financial impact for the county Marketed the product Purdue CES very well through meetings, newsletters and word of mouth Marketed the product Purdue CES very well through meetings, newsletters and word of mouth Found and addressed the need Found and addressed the need Delivered to the appropriate audience Delivered to the appropriate audience Addressed different learning styles Addressed different learning styles
The specific needs are to be determined The specific needs are to be determined Stay informed with state extension specialists Stay informed with state extension specialists Local ag agencies – FSA, Farm Bureau, Agri-business Local ag agencies – FSA, Farm Bureau, Agri-business Informal network - “coffee shop network” - listen Informal network - “coffee shop network” - listen Websites already on line Websites already on line Possible re-enroll period with the same options Possible re-enroll period with the same options Publications are presently prepared Publications are presently prepared Begin to inform clients of resources NOW! Begin to inform clients of resources NOW!
Use a team approach Use a team approach FSA FSA Technical issues Technical issues State Extension Specialists State Extension Specialists Policy Policy Technical issues Technical issues Local extension Local extension Facilitate educational process Facilitate educational process Identify and work with area resources Identify and work with area resources Familiar with local issues Familiar with local issues
Use a team approach Use a team approach Local agencies Local agencies Additional resources Additional resources Financial Financial Informational Informational Personnel Personnel Use video conferencing Use video conferencing Make use of all resources Make use of all resources