Connecting BOB’S STORES with Connected Customers
INFLUENCING CUSTOMER PATH TO PURCHASE THE NUMBER OF MOBILE PHONES EXCEEDS THE NUMBER OF PEOPLE IN THE US Ad/Telmetrics Mobile Path to Purchase Study: Understanding Mobile in the Consumer Path to Purchase – Retail Edition 33 % of all online retail activity comes from mobile devices of smartphone users completed their purchases in-store after being influenced on mobile 77 % of all smartphone users expect to be able to purchase product and have it available within 5 miles of their location 57 % of all mobile retail users go on to make a purchase after being influenced on mobile 55 % P // 3
CONNECTING RETAILERS AND BRANDS WITH CONSUMERS GROWING FASTER THAN ANY OTHER AD CHANNEL Pinpoint consumer locations and provide location specific advertisements on their mobile devices Drive revenue growth through positive ROI Drive consumer interaction to increase sales Build customer loyalty – Brand Evangelists New customer acquisition P // 4
DELIVERING YOUR ADS AT TIMES AND PLACES WHEN YOUR CUSTOMERS ARE MOST INTERESTED AUDIENCE BUILDING AND TARGETING GEO-FENCING Target your consumers based on their precise location by creating “geo-fences” of a certain radius at any given lat/long VERIFIED WALK-IN Attribution of a consumer visiting a brick-and-mortar storefront after seeing a SITO mobile ad BEHAVIORAL TARGETING Use current and historical location data to define behaviors of your target demographic ANALYTICS & OPTIMIZATION With data streaming into our platform in real-time, you can measure campaign performance and gain insight into key metrics P // 5
TARGET CONSUMERS BASED ON THEIR PRECISE LOCATION BY CREATING “GEO-FENCES” OF A CERTAIN RADIUS AT ANY GIVEN LAT/LONG POINT GEO-FENCING Phone communicates device location to our servers We query the location data against our campaign database Appropriate content is selected based on that information and our platform delivers the right content to the user in real-time 1234 P // 6
PROPRIETARY ATTRIBUTION TECHNOLOGY THAT IDENTIFIES CONSUMERS WHO VISIT PHYSICAL STOREFRONTS AFTER SEEING AN AD SERVED BY SITO VERIFIED WALK-IN Campaign Metrics Store Metrics: Cumulative Visits, Conversion Rate, Store Visit Ratio Store Lift Store Conversion by DMA Projected Store Visits P // 7
USE CURRENT AND HISTORICAL LOCATION DATA TO DEFINE BEHAVIORS OF YOUR TARGET DEMOGRAPHIC BEHAVIOR AND LOCATION TARGETING BEHAVIORAL TARGETING Coordinates clustered around a single city, including early morning and evenings on weekdays. Sporadic usage on weekends. Coordinates regularly clustered around an airport on Monday mornings and Thursday evenings. Coordinates clustered around malls and clothing stores numerous times throughout a week. Segment: User’s HomeSegment: Business TravelerSegment: Shopper P // 8
BRING MOBILE TO LIFE BANNER ADS BRAND EXPOSURE AND ENGAGEMENT WITHIN PUBLISHER’S CONTENT Standard, HTML5, MRAID, animated and even in-unit video (tweet, call, share app, download, landing page) EXPANDABLE BANNER ADS EXPAND IN SIZE WHEN A USER TAPS ON THEM Expandable banners support highly engaging and sophisticated creative without having to leave the publisher’s content INTERSTITIAL ADS HIGHLY EFFECTIVE IN GRABBING CONSUMER ATTENTION Interstitials are full-screen ad panels that appear before, after, or in-between content pages PRE-ROLL IN-STREAM VIDEO AD UNIT Pre-Roll video ad units play a 15 to 30 second video automatically in-stream, on application load, between game levels or periodically during application use P // 9
P // 10 MOBILE TARGETING BOB’S STORE Objective: Raise awareness for the hometown hero promotion and gain market share in Long Island from competitors Target: Adults Core Competitors: Dick’s Sporting Goods Media Strategy: Geo-fence the Patchogue, NY Bob’s store and other nearby Bob’s Stores Geo-fence, 500ft, competitor locations near the Patchogue store and others as needed Priority Markets: Patchogue, NY and Long Island
P // 11 STORE GEO-FENCING Bob’s Store geo-fence – 3 miles Competitor store geo-fence – 500ft Tapping on the banner opens to Bob’s site or more info on the coupon
P // 12 CREATIVE EXAMPLES Banner and Interstitial units can be used to drive awareness of the offer and drive consumers in-store to make purchases 320x50 Banner 320x480 Interstitial Mobile Landing Page
SUCCESS STORIES Anheuser Busch | Shock Top Campaign | Delta above CPG benchmark 49.63% GAP | Be Bright Campaign | $1.00 drove a $4.00 return GAF | Home Depot Campaign | 18% same store sales lift L.K Bennett | Boston Campaign | 4x ROI to media spend Wakefern | Price Rite Campaign | 49% above retail benchmark New Jersey Lottery | Extreme Winning | Highest performing media channel P // 13
SITO MOBILE DIFFERENTIATORS Campaigns typically show a 50% increase in performance over competitors, this claim is substantiated by our clients and our retention rate of over 96% We use machine-based algorithms in addition to detailed human optimizations to ensure the most successful combination of automated and manual optimizations for superior campaign performance Our attribution is location specific based on pinpoint latitude/longitude not tiled and grouped like our competitors Can do opportunity based retargeting, along with the standard impression and click based retargeting We track all opportunities by location and time allowing us to build audience segments based on current and historic behaviors Our optimization is multi-layered, down to the site level, and uses predictive analytics to create white/black lists for relevant delivery before the first impression is served We have a verified walk-in product that is unique in the industry, in addition to having integrated with other 3rd party technologies We are integrated with every major ad tech software and can implement new ones within 3-5 days: HasOffers, AdX, Celtra, Phluant, Atlas, DART and others We can pull device level data from an address and target for future mobile campaigns Our team is available 24/7 and able to build out custom sites and creative based on thousands of campaigns of experience P // 14