THINK AND WRITE What kind of people do you not get along with, or find annoying? What specific traits about other people bother you? Why? What specific traits do you admire in others? Why?
HOMEWORK COLLECTION Please turn in your Formal Presentation 2 outlines of the topics you will be presenting on
DISCUSSION QUESTION GROUPS Group 1: Rodolfo, Alfa, Neftali, Karla, Gregory Group 2: David, Andres, Ramon, Michael, Kevin Group 3: Nicole, Esteban, Alberto, George
DISCUSSION QUESTIONS CONTINUED The Sergeant urges Mr. White not to use the monkey's paw, saying it brings misfortune. If he believes the talisman has sinister powers, why did he bring it to the dinner in the first place? How does "The Monkey's Paw" compare to other stories about wishes that you've read or watched? (Maybe Aladdin, BIG, 13 Going on 30, Kazaam, Coraline, A Wonderful Life, Wishmaster, etc.) What is the moral, or proverb, of the story? Morris tells Mr. White that the old fakir who owned the monkey’s paw put a spell on it to “show that fate ruled people’s lives, and that those who interfered with it did so to their sorrow.” Do you think this happened the White’s? Or was it always their fate to use the monkey’s paw?
2 ND FORMAL ORAL PRESENTATION Partners will research a decade, and present on specific topics about the decade Decades will be chosen at random (1920s-1990s) You may select your own partners You must explain what happened during that decade, in the US and on a global level (worldwide) You must speak for 20 minutes (10 minutes for each partner) Presentations will be Tuesday 10/27 and Thursday 10/29
REMEMBER Introduction: introduces topic and purpose of speech, outlines main points, grabs attention Body: explains main points clearly, partners share equal time presenting, no reading off PowerPoint slides Conclusion: repeats topic and main points, explains why presentation was important to audience, leaves audience thinking Speech: proper pronunciation, volume, pace, intonation, correct grammar, understandable Body language: eye contact to EVERYONE, appropriate gestures and movements Charisma: hold audience attention, fun to watch, engaging, interactive, show knowledge and interest in material Creativity: BE FUN! use audio or movie clips, dress up in clothes that fit your time period, bring in food or drinks from your decade, pass out presentation BINGO where the audience can cross out words when you say them and win a prize for 5 in a row
MISCOMMUNICATION ACTIVITY English can be a tricky language to communicate in, whether speaking or writing Each person will get a piece of paper with real examples of signs, newspapers, and advertisements Each example shows how written English can be interpreted differently than it was intended With a partner, using the following chart decide what the writer meant to express, how this message might have been more effectively expressed, and what about it might lead to miscommunication or misunderstanding
MISCOMMUNICATION ACTIVITY EXAMPLE “Next Sunday a special collection will be taken to defray the cost of the new carpet. All those wishing to do something on the new carpet will come forward and do so.” What’s the problem? What did they mean to say/express? How should they have said or written it?
Used cars: Why go elsewhere to be cheated? Come here first!
ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS What is the problem with your piece of writing? What did the writer mean to express? What should they have said instead, or how should they have written it differently?
PRESENT TO THE CLASS Read your writing example Explain your answers to the three questions
HOMEWORK Watch the following video on YouTube Write a brief paragraph expressing your thoughts/opinions about the video, and two things you learned. (7-10 sentences)