France Telecom Group & PF7 OCEAN consortium confidential European Project FP7 OCEAN OCEA N European Project FP7 OCEAN Open ContEnt Aware Networks 5th FP7 Networked Media Concertation Meeting 3-4 February 2010, Brussels Yannick Le Louédec, Orange Labs, OCEAN Project Coordinator.
2 France Telecom Group & PF7 OCEAN consortium confidential Typical CDN deployment for online content delivery OCEAN Context and challenges Tremendous evolution of online multimedia content delivery + 50 to 60% traffic volume growth per year the last 5 years Key role of CDN players in the Internet 1/3 of all Internet traffic delivered through a CDN ... And shortcomings o QoS and network cost in the “CDN last mile” o Lack of Openness in Content Delivery Systems o Business challenges
3 France Telecom Group & PF7 OCEAN consortium confidential OCEAN Project Objectives (1/2) 1) Go-to market strategy (WP2) – Shape the evolution of business models and regulation on the content distribution value chain in order to give incentive for investments and new ways of consuming audiovisual contents over Internet 2) Open ContEnt Aware (OCEAN) Architecture (WP3) –Shape the evolution of Content Distribution Architectures, in line with regulation context, end-users expectations and providers requirements –A new OPEN architecture to foster multi-vendor solutions, cut down content delivery cost and give better investment incentives for European players
4 France Telecom Group & PF7 OCEAN consortium confidential OCEAN Project Objectives (2/2) 3) Technical innovations on key building blocks (WP4 & WP5) – Popularity tracking and caching algorithm, content aware congestion control, distributed delivery systems 4) Experimentations (WP6) and dissemination (WP7) Key words : multimedia content, open architectures, content distribution networks (CDNs), broadband access, caching, learning algorithms, scalable video coding (SVC), content-aware network coding, large-scale validation, sustainable business models
5 France Telecom Group & PF7 OCEAN consortium confidential OCEAN Work Package List
6 France Telecom Group & PF7 OCEAN consortium confidential OCEAN Consortium France Telecom (Coordinator)FranceTelco Alcatel-LucentBelgiumIndustry IBBT BelgiumResearch institute Idate FranceMarket Intelligence, SME N2NSoft (Inria spin-off)FranceResearch SME PriSM (Univ. Versailles)FranceUniversity Fraunhofer HHI GermanyResearch Institute Telekomunikacja PolskaPolandTelco and CDN service provider European Broadcasting Union (EBU )SwitzerlandContent Providers
7 France Telecom Group & PF7 OCEAN consortium confidential OCEAN Budget and planning Budget: 39 MY, 4,8 M€ (3.1 M€ funded by the EC) Start Date: February 2010 Project Duration: 3 Years
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