17 th Reigate (St Joseph’s) Scout Group Mike Phillipson
Target: £150,000-£200,000 (ish) Comprising Internal fund-raising:£30,000 Benefits in kind:£10,000 Loans:£50,000 Grants:c. £150,000 “Building for the future”
It’s a numbers game but… Don’t apply where there’s no chance of success Phone before Work to a timetable 2) Do the homework
You won’t hear back from c. 50% of applications It can take up to 12 months Treasure the first success 3) Be prepared for disappointment
Who you’ve applied to, successful or not Use to drive a timetable Keep contact data up-to-date Use to drive sponsor updates 4) Keep good records
Please sir can I have some more Nothing wrong in going back to donors (relationship is already established) Nothing wrong in re-applying to failed bids (depending on reason for failure) 5) Be Oliver Twist
Application form Letter or Written proposal Writing the application
It’s a buyer’s market so invest the time Provide the required information Clear language Be clear on funding requirements, upfront Be specific on what funds will be used for Identify success factors 1) Treat it as a business proposition
All funders have different requirements Tailor proposals to what funder wants Replay the language in the funding brief Have boilerplate information that can be tweaked Simple is good (Shove extra material in an appendix!) 2) One size doesn’t fit all
Yours is a very worthy application (but so is everyone else’s) Give examples of need Be clear on the consequences of not getting funding This is YOUR big idea – you get one shot at the target 3) Let the passion shine through