Many Hands Make Light Work: A Practical Approach to QA Testing David Goodrum, Academic and Faculty Services Lynn Ward, Principal Systems Specialist Roger Henry, Instructional Technology Consultant Amy Neymeyr, Training and Support Specialist Margaret Ricci, Instructional Technology Consultant Madeleine Gonin, Instructional Technology Consultant Kristol Hancock, User Interaction Designer Indiana University
Session Purpose Share functional QA experiences -- both pluses and deltas Proposed a generalizable idea for functional QA sharing in the community July th Sakai Conference - Boston, MA, U.S.A.2
Origination of Our Approach Learning Technologies became functional owner of IU's Sakai implementation. Key responsibilities: overall direction of IU's Sakai implementation functional requirements and prioritization functional QA testing and sign-off close collaboration/communication with development team July th Sakai Conference - Boston, MA, U.S.A.3
QA resources: dedicated staff 5-10% slices of instructional technology consultants Build on knowledge and experience of instructional technology consultants July th Sakai Conference - Boston, MA, U.S.A.4
QA Resources, Cont. Development Team (~10-12 staff) Tier 2 Support (2 staff) Functional team ~15 professional staff across multiple campuses ~ 6 hourly workers July th Sakai Conference - Boston, MA, U.S.A.5
Release Schedule 3 Major Releases per year (December, June, August) Patch releases (every one or two months) Emergency Maintenance as needed July th Sakai Conference - Boston, MA, U.S.A.6
Process Schedule Posted to local ConfluenceiInstance Megan May prepares master task list Functional task list in Google Doc Instructions, test scripts in Confluence, IU and/or Sakai Jira, Google Docs Bugs reported in local Jira Instance Overall results monitored Functional signoff required on every release July th Sakai Conference - Boston, MA, U.S.A.7
June 2009 Release Stats (Functional Team Only) Regression and destructive testing (not counting OSP): ~175 hours OSP testing (outsourced): ~170 hours Release day testing: ~48 hours Post Release Patch: ~50 hours July th Sakai Conference - Boston, MA, U.S.A.8
FUNCTIONAL TESTER PERSPECTIVE And now for the… July th Sakai Conference - Boston, MA, U.S.A.9
For More Information… Lynn Ward David Goodrum July th Sakai Conference - Boston, MA, U.S.A.10