Values Issues Confronting the Filipino Family Today Presented by: Regalario, El-Khe Marie O. Year and Section: BSEVE II-12
Equality of Men and Women
What is Gender Equality? ∞ Gender equality is achieved when women and men enjoy the same rights and opportunities.
Gender Inequalities 1. Lack of Mobility 2. Discriminatory Divorce Rights 3. Citizenship 4. Custody Rights 5. Violence 6. Professional Obstacles 7. Access to Education
Equalities Gender Role (Gender roles in Parenting and Marriage) ∞ From birth, parents interact differently with children depending on their sex. ∞ Despite the increasing number of women in the labor force, women are still responsible for the majority of domestic chores and childcare. ∞ Men in many societies are pressured into being the primary economic supporter of the home.
Homosexuality or Same Sex Marriage - is the condition of "sexual desire or behavior directed toward a person or persons of one's own sex."
Why are there Homosexuals? ∞ Dominant mother and weak father. ∞ There is no direct scientific evidence that homosexuality is inherited although some studies have so indicated.
∞ The lack of a healthy relationship of a boy with his father is a strong factor and can’t be ignored. ∞ Studies on young girls who become lesbians seem to be lacking in qualitative depth as most studies on the subject draw their conclusions based upon studies of male homosexuals.
Reasons Why Homosexual “Marriage” is Harmful and must be opposed
1. It Is Not Marriage ∞ Marriage has always been a covenant between a man and a woman. ∞ It also denies the specific primary purpose of marriage: the perpetuation of the human race and the raising of children. 2. It Violates Natural Law ∞ Natural law’s most elementary precept is that “good is to be done and pursued, and evil is to be avoided.”
3. It Validates and Promotes the Homosexual Lifestyle ∞ In the name of the “family,” same-sex “marriage” serves to validate not only such unions but the whole homosexual lifestyle in all its bisexual and transgender variants.
Early Marriages
What is early Marriage? ∞ Child marriage, defined as a formal marriage or informal union before age 18. ∞ Child marriage is widespread and can lead to a lifetime of disadvantage and deprivation.
Consequences of Early Marriage 1. Inability to read or write. 2. Having many children, early. 3. HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases (STD). 3. HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases (STD). 4. Inability to plan or manage families. 5. The next generation of child wives. 5. The next generation of child wives. 6. Marital instability. 6. Marital instability. 7. Physical and sexual abuse. 7. Physical and sexual abuse.
How to avoid Early Marriage? ∞ Education is the most important key to helping end the practice of forced child marriages. ∞ Education of the parents is just as important as education of the children. ∞ Teaching these young girls life skills, including reproduction and contraception information, how to have fun and how to play in sports, is proving to be a positive way to change the lives and futures of these adolescent girls.
Parents Absence (OFW’s and DH’s) ∞ Whether it’s Mom or Dad who is absent from the home, children without one or both of their parents at home with them suffer.
Behavioral Effects of Absent Parents ∞ According to Edward Kruk, Ph.D. and associate professor of social work at the University of British Columbia, children with absent fathers are more likely to develop behavioural problems. Effects of Growing Up Too Fast ∞ Many girls who grow up in a single-father home grow up too quickly. Abuse ∞ One of the biggest effects an absent parent -- particularly an absent father -- has on children is abuse.
The Effects of Father-absence on Children ∞ 72% of all teenaged murderers grew up without fathers. 60% of rapists were raised in fatherless homes. ∞ 70% of the kids now incarcerated in juvenile corrections facilities grew up in a single-parent environment. ∞ Fatherless children are twice as likely to drop out of school as their classmates who live with two parents.
∞ Fatherless children are eleven times more likely than are children from intact families to exhibit violent behavior. ∞ Children whose fathers are absent consistently score lower than the norm in reading and math tests. ∞ 75% of teen suicides occur in single-parent families. ∞ The absence of a biological father increases a daughter’s vulnerability to rape and sexual abuse by 900%. (Often these assaults are committed by stepfathers or the boyfriends of custodial mothers).