20 Minute Topic: Peer Specialist Role Through the Fidelity Lens An Oregon Center of Excellence for Assertive Community Treatment (OCEACT) Informational Training/Webinar
Introductions: Center of Excellence Fidelity Technical Assistance Site to Site Communication Education
ACT and Fidelity Key points/structure that promote positive outcomes Peer specialists are part of the team ◦Research shows: Having consumers as staff on treatment teams improves ◦ Practice Culture ◦ Attunement to Consumer Perspectives ◦5 Key Duties/Roles
Coaching To Promote Recovery ◦Social Skills Training ◦Daily Living Skills Training To Promote Self-Direction ◦Meeting Prep Legal appointments/Court Medical/Treatment appointments Financial appointments
Facilitating Wellness Strategies Formal Structures ◦IMR ◦WRAP Education ◦Advanced Directives ◦Psychoeducational Topics Opportunities ◦Building social networks ◦Wellness activities
Participate in Team Activities Team Meetings Chart Documentation Community-based Contacts Treatment Planning Meetings
Modeling and Consultation Recovery ◦Words ◦Actions ◦Influences Others Peer Perspective ◦Words ◦Actions ◦Shifts Thinking
Cross-Training Recovery Principles ◦20 minutes ◦2x/year