Prehistoric Britain Topic based learning Year 3/4 Autumn Term As part of our topic this term, our learning will include learning about prehistory from the Stone Age to the Iron Age Children will learn how to be an archaeologist as they discover the Stone Age to Iron Age timeline, the different sources of evidence used by archaeologists, the vocabulary used by archaeologists and how to carry out a dig. Pupils will learn about the course of events that might have led Stone-Age people to move from hunting and gathering to farming. They will research the meaning and significance of Stonehenge. Pupils will investigate life as an Iron Age villager. We will also go on an educational visit to learn more about prehistoric life Year 3/4 Autumn Term (2015-2016) Mrs Millican Creativity and Love of Learning Through imaginative topic based learning, pupils can make real life links and find a purpose to their learning. We aim to encourage pupils to learn from history and understand that we can learn lessons from the past. We link this historical context to a number of artistic projects to make the learning more real. Global Citizens Alongside global citizenship comes global responsibility. We will learn about issues in the world today and the current crisis in Syria. Through our European Day we will be looking at what is good about our country and thinking about those seeking refuge. Children will be encouraged to regard everyone as equal in the eyes of God. The whole child – Spiritual, Moral and Personal We will consider the importance of being a caring and sensitive person, mindful of all our friends needs and wants. Pupils will continue to take part in weekly SEAL teaching. This is aimed at encouraging all the pupils to make informed choices about their behaviour and consider the effect of their actions upon others. Skills for Life
Communication, Language & Literacy Through our work in English, we will be listening to and discussing a range of fiction and non-fiction texts; increasing familiarity with a range of books and retelling some of these orally; researching topics and producing information texts; reading and performing poems; and using these examples to help plan writing. Children will continue to learn to read a wide range of words and increase their fluency in reading. As well as reading children will develop their comprehension skills demonstrating an understanding of what they have read. They will be introduced to new grammatical terminology including conjunctions, complex and compound sentences, adverbs and clauses. They will learn new spelling rules and learn how to use apostrophes and speech marks correctly in their writing. Religious Education During this term, as always, RE will shape many of the things we do each day, with Christ being at the centre of our school. Using the diocesan resource, Come and See, we will study: The family of God in Scripture and Confirmation. We will also begin the Sacramental Preparation programme learning about Reconciliation. Through feast days we will learn about other faiths. Mathematics This term pupils learning will include the following: Number, Place Value and sequencing All 4 operations + - x ÷ using both written and mental methodologies including weekly challenges Fractions including decimals & percentages Solving multiple step word problems using a wide variety of different units of measurement Mental calculations including speed tests calculations without calculators Geometry: position, direction and motion Shape and space Algebra and numeric equations Learning, Thinking & Social Skills We are continuing with the regular brain teasers and puzzles to help develop problem solving, resilience and determination. Pupils will continue to access the SEAL resources and to show how working collaboratively is always better than working separately. Weekly homework Every pupil needs to complete a reading task, read a minimum of 3 times, revise times tables and complete the written homework task. School Trips This term we are planning a visit to the Great North Museum Hancock to carry out a workshop on Rocks and take part in activities in the Ice Age to Iron Age Gallery. Scientific Understanding We will be learning about rocks and soils. Through this topic we will learn about the formation of rocks, how rocks are a part of everyday life, the different types of rocks and soils and the properties of rocks. Music Children will have weekly music lessons in which they will learn to read musical notation, play tuned and untuned percussion instruments and compose their own piece of music. French Our pupils are fortunate to be taught by a language specialist who comes in every week to work with all KS2 pupils. Using ICT & I-pads We will use ICT to present information for a variety of different audiences. We will continue to use Scratch as a programming tool on the I-pad. D & T Skills and Art Pupils will have a skills based Art lesson each week. They will also learn about prehistoric art and create cave paintings. Through our work on Stone Age dwellings children will design and make a Stone Age house. Physical Education As part of our PE curriculum year 3 and 4 take part in weekly swimming lessons at Blaydon swimming pool where they will be taught to swim competently, confidently using range of strokes. They will also learn a range of invasion games, dance and gymnastics.