General Fund – regular operating costs of the district Associated Student Body Fund – student activities Debt Service Fund – repayment of bonds Capital Projects – building construction & remodeling Transportation Vehicle Fund – purchase of school buses Private Purpose Trust Fund - scholarships Types of Funds
General Fund Revenue Budget Local Taxes $ 7,067, % Local Non-Tax729, % State - General Purpose 28,651, % State - Special Purpose 8,097, % Federal 4,571, % Other (Districts,Grants,Financing) 2,932, % Total $ 52,050, %
General Fund Expenditures by Object Certificated Salaries$21,031, % Classified Salaries8,923, % Employee Benefits11,618, % Supplies & Materials4,331, % Purchased Services5,031, % Travel128, % Capital Outlay103, % Total$51,168, %
General Fund Budgeted Expenditures by Program Regular Instruction$26,441, % General Support7,301, % Food Services1,486,7172.9% Pupil Transportation2,446,8484.8% Special Education6,341, % Career and Tech Education2,510,1544.9% Compensatory3,941,3197.7% Other Instruction546,3431.1% Community Services137,196.3% Total$51,168, %
General Fund Budgeted Expenditures by Activity Teaching $30,319, % Teaching Support5,658, % Food Services1,486, % Pupil Transportation2,446, % Maintenance & Operations3,389, % Utilities & Insurance1,483, % Info Systems & Public Activities1,158, % Unit Administration2,675, % Central Administration2,549, % Total$51,168, %
EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS AND OPERATIONS LEVY Transportation to & from school - $57,095 After school programs - Athletics and activities(clubs) - $707,844 Instructional Technology Equipment- $596,020 - $314,026(state) = $281,994 On-line testing - $443,531 School furniture - $75,122 Special Education - $233,854 Maintenance of Facilities - $1,246,943 - $422,683(state) = $824,260 Utilities - $1,060,267 - $853,223(state funding) = $207,044 Liability Insurance - $357,609 Software service to run financial and students records - $162,611 Campus Security and Cop on Campus - $89,734 Swimming Pool - $135,604 less $56,734 in revenue = $78,870 (utilities are above) SHS Performing Arts Center - $29,781 less $5,865 in revenue = $23,916 (utilities are above) NNDCC -$116,905 Summer School-$6,921 Curriculum/Assessment -$836,089 - $337,139(state) = $498,950 Highly capable program - $173,404 - $40,508(state) = $132,896 Translation Services-$30,911 Certificated teacher staffing above state funding level - $2,293,755 This includes elementary music, physical education, art, counselors, librarians, school nurse, principals, teacher training, substitute teachers. Classified staffing above state funding level – $2,919,323 This includes education assistants in the classroom, maintenance/custodial, technology, secretarial, bus drivers, classified administrators.