Combining Sentences by . . . Inserting words and phrases
Combining sentences by inserting words One way to combine short sentences is to take an important word from one sentence and insert it into another sentence. Sometimes you will need to change the form of the word before you can insert it. You can change some words into adjective by adding and ending such as –ed, -ing, -ful, or –ly. The adjective can describe another word in the sentence Example Easter lily plants have leaves. The leaves have points. Easter lily plants have pointed leaves.
Practice Peanuts are the tiny fruit of the peanut plant. They have a good taste. Peanuts are a crop of many warm regions. They are a major crop. Peanuts are a food for snacking. Peanuts are good for your health. The oil from peanuts is used in many dressings. The dressings are for salad. Grades of peanut oil are used to make soap and shampoo. The low grades are used for these products. Much of the world grows peanuts solely for their oil. This oil is versatile.
Combining sentences by inserting phrases A phrase is a group of words that acts as a single part of speech and that does not have both a subject and a verb. You can combine sentences by taking a phrase from one sentence and inserting it into another sentence. Example: Arachne is a famous figure. She is a figure in Greek Mythology. Arachne is a famous figure in Greek Mythology
Combining sentences by inserting phrases Another way to combine sentences is to change the verb and create a new phrase. Just add –ing or –ed to the verb, or put the word to in front of it. You can then use the new phrase to describe a noun, verb, or pronoun in a related sentence. Example: The name Inuit refers to several groups of people. These people live in and near the Artic. The name Inuit refers to several groups of people living in and near the Artic.
Practice The Inuit followed their traditional way of life. They followed this way of life for thousands of years. The Inuit built winter shelters in a few hours. They stacked blocks of snow. They used harpoons. The is how they hunted seals. The Inuit also hunted and ate caribou. Caribou are a type of dear.