COSEE California ?
Debriefing from the Modeling the Tides Challenge How did not knowing (and having to wait for confirmation) make you feel? Did anyone seek out more information?
COSEE California ?
Session 6 objectives Experience and reflect on the different effects of focused and broad questions on student thinking and discussions Note the impact on students when a teacher sees his/her role as either “guide on the side” or “sage on the stage” Introduction to a discussion map may help lead meaningful discussions Participate in sink/float activity Apply what you’ve learned as you prepare your own set of questions to guide visiting students in the Question Lab Participate in “The Great Plankton Race”
COSEE California Question: Will you please give me the book? Statement: Please give me the book.
COSEE California Sink/Float Activity We all know that things usually fall, but when something floats, what is actually keeping it up? Goal: focus on questions that facilitate taking a student even further in their investigations and understanding
COSEE California Types of Questions: Broad Open-ended Valuing Feeling Focused Confirming Integrating
COSEE California Plan Sink/Float Questions Important to be able to improvise, but overall plans for questioning are good Why this exercise is helpful: Studies show that most teachers ask broad and focused questions randomly, or use only on type at a time Students can derive more meaning from a lesson when questions are thoughtfully planned to address specific learning objectives Without a plan, teachers often fall back on teaching in the manner in which they were taught Consider different stages of the Learning Cycle when planning your questions Include some broad questions to encourage divergent thinking
COSEE California Role of the Instructor How a teacher sees their role with students also influences questioning style Role-play: watch for teacher’s approach and appropriate and inappropriate use of broad and focused questions
COSEE California Debrief Role-Play #1 How would you describe the interaction between the professor and student in the first role play? What about what the professor said or acted makes you think that? Does anybody have a different idea or opinion? How do you think the professor saw his/her role as a teacher?
COSEE California Debrief Role-Play #2 How would you describe the interaction between the professor and student in the first role play? What about what the professor said or acted makes you think that? Does anybody have a different idea or opinion? How do you think the professor saw his/her role as a teacher?
COSEE California Discussion “Map” Ask a broad question Listen to student response(s) and try find out their ideas Ask for the evidence for their explanation Ask for alternative opinions or ideas Ask a question leading back to the main discussion topic
COSEE California Discussion “Map” Ask a broad question How would you describe the interaction between the professor and student in the first role play? Listen to student response(s) and try find out their ideas Ask for the evidence for their explanation What about what the professor said or acted makes you think that? Ask for alternative opinions or ideas Does anybody have a different idea or opinion? Ask a question leading back to the main discussion topic How do you think the professor saw his/her role as a teacher?
COSEE California Role of a Teacher “sage on the stage” “guide on the side”
COSEE California Role of a Teacher “sage on the stage” Transmitter of knowledge “guide on the side” Facilitator of learning
COSEE California The Great Plankton Race Design your own planktonic organism
COSEE California For next time… Volunteer students will be here Think about how you might use this week’s focus on questions for next session with “your students”