16.2 The Korean War
China’s Communist Revolution Chinese Communists v. Chinese Nationalists Communist leader= Mao Zedong Nationalist leader= Jiang Jieshi Communists won, set up People’s Republic of China Nationalists fled to island of Taiwan
Mao Zedong Jiang Jieshi
Korean War Korea divided after WWII – North=Communist, Soviet ally – South= Non-Communist, U.S. ally 38 th Parallel: border between North and South June 1950 North invades South – North armed by Soviets – Took Seoul in days – UN security council voted to move in occupation troops – Retreated to Pusan
The Shifting Front in Korea
Inchon Landing By Sept Communist attack stalled MacArthur wanted to go on the offensive Landed troops by water in Inchon (S. Korea, W. Coast) North was not expecting it UN recaptured Seoul North spread too thin, pushed back over 38 th parallel
Now What? Oct MacArthur wanted to take all of North – But Chinese/Soviets may come to their defense – U.S. took the risk Nov. 300,000 Chinese troops poured across Yalu River UN forces pushed back Truman-limited war policy MacArthur MAD! Fired in 1951
Lasting Effects Eisenhower promised to end war, won election – Thought only strong action would break stalemate – Hinted nuclear weapons – July 1953, cease-fire ***Truman set precedent-war without congressional consent SEATO Southeast Asia Treaty Org.