The Critical Lens Essay ( One of the writing tasks on the Comprehensive English Regents Exam) What is it? An essay that interprets a quotation (critical lens) and applies it to two works of literature, making reference to specific details and literary elements from those works of literature
Planning the Critical Lens Essay Interpret the Critical Lens (the quotation) - break it down into key words and phrases, then put it IN YOUR OWN WORDS, not using the words of the quotation Choose two works of literature to which the Critical Lens applies Outline the body paragraphs: 1) List at least two details from each work (textual evidence) that support your interpretation of the Critical Lens 2) Connect those details to the literary elements they reflect
Format of the Critical Lens Essay One effective format for critical lens essay is four paragraphs: Introduction – Use REACT Body Paragraph #1 – First work of literature to be discussed Body Paragraph #2 – Second work of literature to be discussed Conclusion
The Introduction of the Critical Lens Essay Follow the basic idea of general to specific you use for all literature essay introductions, and remember the acronym REACT: R estate the critical lens (Abraham Lincoln once said, “….”) - your grabber E xplain the critical lens (interpret it in your own words) A gree OR disagree with the lens as interpreted (this statement is true/not true) C onnect to literature in general; then TAG and overviews T hesis statement
The thesis statement of the Critical Lens Essay The thesis statement needs to include the authors’ names, the literary elements to be discussed, and an application of your interpretation of the Critical Lens. Following is one way to structure the Critical Lens Essay thesis statement: Through __________________, _______and_______ show/illustrate/demonstrate (literary elements) (author names) _________________________________________________________. (application of your interpretation of the Critical Lens)
Body paragraphs of the Critical Lens Essay An effective way to structure the essay is to use one body paragraph for each work of literature. Review the guidelines for the formatted paragraph; for this essay, you will use specific details but NOT direct quotations. TS: The part of the thesis statement that applies to this work of literature, but worded a bit differently CDs: Relevant and specific details that support your interpretation of the Critical Lens CMs: Connect of detail to literary element; explanation of how the detail supports your interpretation of the Critical Lens CS: Commentary that sums up the paragraph but does not repeat TS
The Conclusion of the Critical Lens Essay Follow the basic idea of specific to general you use for all literature essay conclusions, with the guidelines below: TS: Thesis statement stated IN DIFFERENT WORDS - Sum up the main points of the essay, comparing and contrasting how the interpretation of the Critical Lens applies to each of the works - Work from specific to general, moving from a discussion of literature to world connections CS: End with a general, thought-provoking CLINCHER that DOES NOT mention the works of literature or literature in general
Happy writing!